Third sector strategy Dave Hill Director Children, Schools and Families Daniel Moore Project manager: third sector strategy
Purpose of the strategy Prompt a step-change in our relationship that will be centred on clear priorities and outcomes for the residents of Merton. 1.It sets funding within a tighter commissioning framework to bring consistency and clarity across the organisation. 2.It builds on the Compact to establish a new standard of involvement and understanding between the Council and the third sector.
Why have we developed the strategy There are both national and local drivers to improve our relationship with the third sector. Nationally there is a greater focus on the role of the third sector in service delivery, stronger communities and civil renewal. Locally, there is a need to ensure accountability for public money and effective commissioning that contributes to positive outcomes for residents.
Aim 1: Developing a commissioning framework To bring coherence and clarity to commissioning the third sector To ensure a fair and equitable commissioning framework that reflects competing priorities Reduce the burden of commissioning on both commissioners and third sector organisations Ensure delivery of an effective commissioning framework
Aim 2: Building on the Compact To enable the voice of third sector organisations in shaping and influencing policy To facilitate third sector organisations to build stronger communities To develop a better understanding between the Council and the third sector To support councillors in their understanding of and their work with the third sector.
Aim 3: Ensuring delivery of the strategy To develop and maintain a strategic overview of the third sector To promote and embed this strategy to be adopted by all funding bodies in the LSP
Outcomes 1: Commissioning Promote a change of language and approach to the third sector that focuses on outcomes rather than organisations Commissioning framework that bring co-ordination across the Council. Reduce the burden on both third sector organisations and the Council Develop a strategic view of commissioning the third sector
Commissioning organisations at Merton Stage 2: Choose a funding stream Assess the market Type funding (Project / development / strategic) Grant Procurement Process in line with corporate procurement rules. BUT consider how to level the playing field and the importance of full cost recovery Stage 4: Decision-making Stage 5: Management of funding Stage:3 Application process Stage 1: Identification of service priorities and outcomes
Outcomes 2: Building on the Compact Will enable the voice of the sector through campaigning/lobbying. Support third sector organisations to build stronger communities Improve the understanding between the sectors. Support the role of councillors in community leadership and consider the process of councillors being formally nominated onto trustee boards.
Questions & contact details If you would like further information, have any questions, or would like to submit evidence throughout the consultation please contact: Daniel Moore