S.S.S. DaKasKova S.S.S. DaKasKova
formerly Honda-Mrkos-Pajusakova comet 45P
to bring home “the ice”
Charles Messier 1730 – 1817 wanted to be known for finding comets found 13 – a good feat now know for publishing a list of "dim fuzzies" that are not comets used a 100 millimeter aperture telescope
Our solar system sun planets & moons plutinos asteroids comets
icy planetesimals Ort cloud Kuiper belt objects long period comets short period comets
Solid or Rubble Pile? components in contact regolith voids
to change orbit of comet High Energy Collision Boiloff / Jet Effect Attach Motor Gravity Tug
High Energy Collision Direct Impact Science Fiction: Tethered Momentum Transfer
Boiloff / Jet Effect Sunshine (Mirrors) Nuke standoff surface burst burst in previous crater
Pusher Tugboat “lands” on asteroid secured with guy wires periodically fires engine when asteroid rotates to desired direction long term effort
Puller Tugboat massive ship gravity as towline long duration low level ion thrust no direct contact, physical proproperties of NEO unimportant
Tug using Gravity Towline
Gravity Tug Built from NEO seed ship (factory) build factory inside NEO build Tug at top of tower shift mass to Tug & launch use part of NEO as reaction mass
Cargo Ship harvest regolith or capture “small” object
mass driver cargo ship uses part of payload as reaction mass
Attach Motor(s) Rendezvous (Mine) Attach (Build) Engine(s) Despin and Move
S.S.S. DaKasKova seed ship (factory) build manufacturing facilities build “jet” engines at top of towers build radiators & solar collectors use part of comet as reaction mass