Place of Birth 1821 North Oxford, Massachusetts. Inspiration Two men provided her with inspiration throughout her life. They are her father who was a military and an Indian fighter.
- Her siblings were her first teachers. She had 4 of them, two boys and two girls. - She was a very talented student and was able to start early in her studies by memorizing and spelling long words while she was only four years old. - One of her brothers had a bout of illness when she was just 11 years old and that is when she first discovered the desire to nurse people back to good health.
-At the tender age of 17, she was already teaching in Massachusetts. -She enrolled at the Liberal Institute in Clinton New York and took up a course in languages as well as writing. -In 1864, she assumed the post of Superintendent of Union Nurses. -And for 22 years, the American Red Cross was very lucky to have her for a president.
As a teacher, she put up her a school of her own just 10 years after she started with the profession. The federal government made her the very first woman to obtain a substantial clerkship She made the dream of a free school in New Jersey a reality. She took the Red cross idea from Europe and applied it to her own version in the US.
She was dubbed the “Angel of the Battlefield.” because of her untiring efforts. She was the most well recognized nurse during the Civil War. The history of the US was enriched by having her noted as a woman with the highest level of honor and a true pioneering spirit.
LaFantasie, G. W. (2005). CLARA BARTON. America's Civil War, 18(2), 34. Retrieved from EBSCO host. William D. Conklin, Clara Barton and Dansville. Dansville, NY: Clara Barton Chapter No. 1 (F.A. Owen Publishing Company), pp. illus.