Strategy for the Production of Hybrid Rice Seed during Rabi & for sowing in Kharif 2011& 2012 S.K. Roongta CMD, National Seeds Corporation
RICE IN INDIA Staple food- Grown in 44 M ha accounts for 22% of cropped area. Productivity low compared to Global standard. 2.9 MT/Ha against 3.9 MT/ha world productivity Average productivity in China (6.0 MT/Ha) 2
Hybrid Rice- for food security and to met challenges Challenges: Rapidly increasing population. Food requirement is also expected to increase substantially. Food grain requirement during 2010 – 230 Million Tones Expected requirement during 2020 – 300 Million Tones Declining land and water resources. Only 3.0% rice area (13.20 lakh ha) covered with hybrid rice-Needs to be expanded. 3
Hybrid rice for food security & sustainability. Yield potential 15-30% more than high yielding varieties gives higher return and investment. Hybrids are more tolerant to adverse growing conditions e.g.. temporary drought stress, salinity and diseases. Better root growth helps higher fertilizer use efficiency and therefore water & fertilizer saving is ensured. 4
Proposed Area coverage and Seed requirement under Hybrid Rice during Kharif 2011 & StatesArea (Ha)Quantity (MT) Uttar Pradesh15,40, ,31, Bihar68, Jharkhand1,00, , Chattisgarh1,30, , Tamil Nadu20, , Orrisa40, , Madhya Pradesh13, , West Bengal9, , Maharashtra6, Andhra Pradesh5, Assam55, , Karnataka3, Tripura10, , TOTAL 20,00,
6 StatesPublic HybridsPrivate Hybrids Uttar Pradesh KRH-2PHB-71 Pant Shankar Dhan-3PA-6201 PA-6444 Chattisgarh & Jharkhand INDIRA SONAPA-6201, PA-6444 PUSA RH-10PAC-837 SURUCHI Orrisa DRRH-3AJAY KRH-2SURUCHI JKRH-401 West Bengal DRRH-2PHB-71 KRH-2PA-6201 JKRH-401 Some of the popular Public & Private Hybrids for different States
7 StatesPublic HybridsPrivate Hybrids Andhra Pradesh DRRH-2PA-6444 DRRH-3PHB-71 Karnataka KRH-2SURUCHI PHB-71 Maharashtra SAHYADRIPA-6444 KRH-2NK-5251 Tamil Nadu CORH-3PHB-71 Tripura KRH-2PA-6201 SAHYADRIPA-6444 Bihar KRH-2PA-6201 SAHYADRIJKRH-401
Share of public & private hybrids for meeting the seed requirement during Kharif 2011 & Particulars Total expected area (lakh ha)2030 Total Seed requirement (lakh q) Contribution of Public 10% (lakh q) Contribution of Private 90% (lakh q)
Suggested Districts in different Hybrid growing States for production of Hybrid Rice Seeds 9 StateName of the District Andhra PradeshNizamabad, Karim Nagar, Warrangal, Nandiyal KarnatakaTumkur, Mandya, Raichur, Bellary Tamil NaduErode, Salem, Coimbatore Madhya PradeshJabalpur, Reva, Bala Ghat OrissaKalahandi, Bolangir, Cuttack, Sambalpur MaharashtraKolhapur
Potential areas for cultivation of hybrid rice 10 StatesDistrict/RegionSeasons AssamBoro rice growing districtsRabi/Summer BiharKatihar, Kishanganj, West Chamapran, Saharsa, Purnia, Supur, Araria, Darbhanga, Madhubani Rabi/Summer ChattisgarhDhamtari, Durg, Janjgir ChampaSummer JharkhandBoro rice growing districtsBoro OrissaBoro rice growing regionsBoro/Rabi Uttar PradeshGorakhpur, Deoria, Basti, ShravastiBoro/Summer West BengalBoro rice growing districts (Banka, Purulia, West Midnapur, Howrah, New 24 Pargana, Jalpaiguri, Cooch Bihar) Boro/Summer
Proposed Strategy for production during Rabi Public Hybrids: 1)Production through Govt. of India Undertakings during Rabi q a) NSC q b) SFCI-8000 q 2)Through State Seed Corporations q a) MSSC-3000 q b) APSSDC q c) Others (KSSC, etc) q 11
Proposed Strategy Private Hybrids: Own production plan drawn by them for the production of about 3.0 lakh q of different hybrids developed by them during Major producers - 1) Bayer Bio Sciences 2) Pioneer Overseas Corporation 3) Mahyco Ltd. 4) Syngenta India Ltd. 5) JK Agri Genetics Ltd. 6) Advanta India Ltd. 12
Proposed Strategy 1. Close monitoring of the seed production by the public & private seed companies to be carried out by the Ministry. 2. State Govt. should constitute the State Monitoring Committee which should provide district-wise area and seed requirement of Hybrid Rice. 3. The State Govt. should invariably place timely confirmed indents to the public & private seed companies and also ensure timely lifting. 13 Cont…
4. The state should select the promising hybrids based on their performance in demonstrations as assessed in collaboration with SAUs. 5. Information on the harvesting, processing, packing and distribution of the hybrid seeds to be done from time to time. 6. Review of the progress of seed lifting and timely distribution of the seeds by the State Agriculture Departments. 14 Cont…
Action points for the State Government 1. State Government which are popularizing hybrid rice seed production should organize seed production successfully in the district already identified for seed production in the respective state. 2. Identification of districts & area for popularization of commercial cultivation of hybrid rice during Kharif Educating the farmers about the advantage of hybrid rice over high yielding varieties using following methods. 15 Cont…
a) Through Mass Media like, Doordarshan & All India Radio. b) Through distribution of pamphlets which may contain the special package of practices to be adopted for the cultivation of hybrid rice. c) Through demonstration at different potential areas in comparison to the local best high yielding varieties. 4. Constitute State level committee associating representatives of Agriculture department, SAU, SSC & KVKs to chalk out action plan as well as monitoring for achieving the chosen targets. 16 Cont…
5. The State level committee should assess the requirement of hybrid wise seeds for Kharif 2011 on the basis of the target and place indent to various seed companies to meet the requirement. 6. The committee should also monitor the timely distribution and sowing of hybrid seeds at the field level. 17 Cont…