KUALI RICE Proposal for a Sustainable Funding Model
GOALS Ensure a sustainable funding model for Rice Identify funds to cover costs of project manager, lead architect, programmers, documentation, QA, and common recurring expenses (e.g., travel) Ensure a a fair governance process that provides opportunity for participation at all levels with a voice in prioritization of the Rice road map. Align governance and investment models Formalize the resource contributions that Kuali Applications, Rice partners, and the Foundation provide to the Rice project.
GUIDING PRINCIPLES Kuali Rice Partners are critical to Rice’s success and funding. Partners have a 50% voice in the direction of Rice. Kuali Application Projects are critical to Rice’s success and funding. Projects have a 50% voice in the direction of Rice. The Kuali Foundation is the parent organization that sponsors all Kuali efforts. The Rice project looks to the Foundation for financial support as the membership collection agency.
RICE PARTNERS Resource contribution of at least one FTE/year with a minimum of two year commitment AND cash contribution based on partner’s institutional revenue: > $750M$35,000/year $500M to $750M $25,000/year $250M to $500M$15,000/year < $250M $10,000/year Partner receives one Rice Board vote, one ARC vote/FTE, and the ability to participate in ARC and TRC discussions Rice partners must also pay Kuali Foundation membership dues ARC vote split between partners and applications
KUALI APPLICATIONS A resource contribution of at least one FTE/year with a minimum one year commitment Application receives one ARC vote/FTE contribution, a seat on the Rice board, and the ability to participate in ARC and TRC discussions Application projects may or may not make the said contribution, and therefore would not receive the voting rights ARC vote split between partners and applications
KUALI FOUNDATION Permanent cash contribution of at least $100,000/year This support is in recognition that Rice is core to all Kuali applications and is critical to the success of the Foundation