National Food Security Mission Uttarakhand 11 th Meeting of NFSM-EC Dated 15 Jan 2013,Time 3-30 P.M. Venue: Krishi Bhawan, NEW DELHI
Land Use pattern in Uttarakhand Total Reported Area – Lakh ha.
Land Use Statistics Year: S.No.Contents Area (in ha) HillPlainTotal 1 Total Geographical Area Total Reported Area NA Forests NA Barren and Unculturable lands Land put to non-agriculture use Culturable waste Permanent pastures & other grazing lands Land under misc. trees crops not included in area sown Current fallows Other fallow lands Net Area Sown
Sl;.No. Particulars Area (ha) HillPlainTotal 11Area Sown more than Once Gross Cropped Area (i) Kharif (ii) Rabi (iii) Zaid (iv) Area prepared for Sugarcane 0745 Total Cropped Area Cropping Intensity (in %)
Crop wise comparative productivity….quintal/ha Crops Kharif Rice Maize Mandua Sawan Ramdana Other cereals Kharif cereals Arhar Urd Horse gram Black Bhatt Other pulses Kharif pulses Kharif foodgrain
Crop wise comparative productivity….quintal/ha Crops Rabi Wheat Barley Rabi cereals Gram Pea Lentil Rabi pulses Rabi foodgrain Total foodgrain kharif+rabi
Crop wise production estimates ….lakh m.t. CropsAs per crop cutting experiments As per state’s own assessments Rice (kharif)5.40 Maize0.39 Mandua1.72 Sawan0.91 Ramdana0.03 Other Kharif cereals0.01 Khrif Pulses0.37 Kharif foodgrain8.83 Wheat9.10 Barley0.31 Rabi pulses0.21 Rabi foodgrain9.62 Total foodgrain (kharif+rabi)18.92
Financial Statement (NFSM) Amount in Lakh Rs. As on Sl No ComponentsTarget Approved by GoI Released by GoI Revalidation for Total Available Amount for Expenditure Till 31 Dec (%)(%) 1Rice Wheat Total
Financial Statement under NFSM Rs in lakh Crop/ Components Expenditure as on Likely expenditure during Requirement of funds, if any NFSM-Rice Nil NFSM-Wheat Under this component Rs 200 lakh is already released. Rs 525 lakh savings of NFSM –rice are available. which is proposed to be utilized under this component. TOTAL
Progress of NFSM-Rice ( ) ActivityPhysicalFinancial UnitTargetAchievementAllocationExpenditure 1 Cluster Demonstrations - - (a) Direct Seeded Rice / Line Transplanting / SRI ha (b) Hybrid Riceha Sub Total Seed Distribution (a) Hybrid Rice Seedqtl (b) HYV Seedqtl Sub Total Plant and Soil Protection Management (a) Micro Nutrientsha (b) Plan Protection Chemicalsha Sub Total
ActivityPhysicalFinancial UnitTargetAchievementAllocationExpenditure 4 Resource conservation techniques (a) Knapsack SprayerNo (b) Zero till Seed DrillNo (c) Multi Crop PlantersNo (d) Seed DrillsNo (e) Power WeedersNo (f) Zero till Multi Crop PlantersNo (g) Ridge Furrow PlantersNo (h) RotavatorsNo (i) Laser Land LevelersNo Sub total 4No Incentive for Pump Sets No Cropping System Based TrainingNo (a) PMT at district level (b) PMT at State level Local Initiative (Water Harvesting Structures) No Total Rice programme
Progress of NFSM-Wheat ( ) ActivityPhysicalFinancial UnitTargetAchiev.AllocationExpen. 1 Cluster Demonstrationsha Distri. of Certified seedq Plant and soil managementha Distribution of Implements (a) Knapsack SprayerNo (b) Zero till Seed DrillNo (c) RotavatorsNo (d) Laser Land LevelersNo (e) Pump setsNo TrainingsNo (a) PMT at district level (b) PMT at State level Water HarvestingNo Total Wheat
Major focus given by the States This is the first year ( ) of initiating of the NFSM programme in the State. Kharif programmes could not be managed properly as the approval of the programme was received after sowing of rice in hilly areas, even this, the following steps have been taken to accelerate the production programme. Training and awareness campaigning from State to Nyaya Panchayat level. Cluster demonstrations. Hybrid rice demo in 82 ha. Promotion of use of Laser land levelers (distribution of 28 out of 25). Soil Health Management with area coverage of 32 thousand ha under micro nutrients. Surveillance of pest and diseases on crops with area coverage 21 thousand ha under Plant Protection measures.
Machinery Distribution- Distt. US Nagar
Cluster Demonstration- NFSM Rice, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar
Cluster Demonstration- NFSM Rice, Distt. Almora
Distribution of Laser Leveller under NFSM, Distt. Haridwar
Cluster Demonstration (Hybrid Rice 6444), Village- Lal Chandwala, Disrict Haridwar 18DISTRICT HARIDWAR
19 Cluster Demonstraion of Rice: Inspection by GoI Team at Village- Mundlana, Block- Narson, Haridwar
20 Cluster Demonstration of Hybrid Rice (PA-6444): Inspection by National Monitor Team, GoI at Village- Gaindikhata, Block- Bahadrabad, Haridwar
21 Cluster Demonstration of Narendra-359: Inspection by National Monitor Team, GoI at Village- Tatwala, Block- Bahadrabad, Haridwar
22 Training under NFSM: GOI Officers also Participated at Village- Alabalpur, Block- Laksar, Haridwar
Power Weeder Distribution: 1. Sh. Rajendra Singh, Village- Badgaon, Block- Takula, Almora 2. Sh. Narayan Singh, Village-Byalkhalsa, Block- Takula, Almora 3. Sh. Manoj Rautela, Village- Kharhisunar, Block- Takula, Almora
Application of Micro-Nutrients in Block Chaukhutia, Almora Cluster Demonstrations in Block Chaukhutia, Almora
A3P Programme under NFSM Programme is not approved for Uttarakhand. Physical and financial progress under 19+ million tons pulse programme. Only Rs 3. lakh are allotted for micro irrigation. This component is already under the National Mission on Micro Irrigation
Component Sanctioned Post In Position Remark Consul- tants TA Consul- tants TA Rice520-- Appointments could not be materialized because of non availbility of qualified persons on the prescribed honorarium. Wheat832-- Total In the meeting of State level NFSM-EC, it is decided to appoint students of Agriculture Universities as internship. Appointment of Project Management Team (PMT) in Districts
Concurrent Evaluation of NFSM Being the first year of the programme, concurrent evaluation work is not yet undertaken. Status of online submission of progress Report at State/District level Being the first year of the programme, online reporting is yet to start.
Savings of NFSM- rice is proposed for NFSM- Wheat. Sowing of rice in hilly area of Uttarakhand starts from Mid March therefore, approval on the Work Plan is required in Feb for so that programme may be initiated well in time. In case of hybrid rice clusters demonstration, the norms of the activities are same as for HYVs while the hybrid seed is much costlier than HYV seed. In this case a major portion of the investment will go to cost of seed. Cost of Hybrid seed of rice is very high, assistance on seed subsidy is 50% of the cost of hybrid seed. Under the programme “Implementation of Special Plan to achieve 19+ million tones of pulse production during kharif ” only drip irrigation/sprinkler programme is approved for the State. Other activities in A3P should be considered for Specific Issues and suggestions
Uttarakhand is a hilly state and specially in hilly districts area under wheat and rice crop is less than ha as norms set under NFSM. Relaxation is required in crop coverage area norms from ha to ha. Relaxation is required in basic qualifications and experience of technical consultants for deployment under the Project Management Team. Issues
Brief Overview of NFSM SAP has already been prepared on the basis of Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP) State and District level NFSM executive committees are organized for monitoring and review of the Scheme. NFSM-Rice component : Identified district-5 (Haridwar, Pauri, USNagar, Almora & Pithoragarh) and the total cost of the NFSM – Rice is Lakhs. NFSM–Wheat Component : Identified districts 8 (Haridwar, Dehradun, Pauri, Tehri, USNagar, Almora, Pithoragarh, & Nainital) and the total cost of the NFSM – Wheat is Rs Lakh.