CEREALS SEEDS OF GRASSES: Wheat Corn Rice Oats Rye Barley Triticale NON SEED CEREALS Millet Sorghum Buckwheat
BRAN Layered outer coat Removed in milling process-refining Small amount of protein Trace minerals, dietary fiber, lipids Provides cellulose, hemicellulose Wheat bran – insoluble fiber Oat bran – soluble fiber
ENDOSPERM 83% of kernel Primarily starch Most of the protein Lowest in fiber Low in fat Source of white flour Ratio of starch to protein differs among grain varieties
GERM Inner portion of kernel Highest percent of lipids (rancidity Greater share of B complex vitamins and trace minerals Removed during milling
CARBOHYDRATES Main nutrient Polysaccharide starch High in indigestible fiber
LIPIDS Type varies depending on the cereal grain Mainly in the germ Generally low in fat NO cholesterol
PROTEIN Incomplete protein – low biological value Responsible for gluten structure – gluten forming potential Combined with legumes to provide complimentary proteins
WATER Low percentage Dry or uncooked cereals, flours 2-4%
VITAMINS Mainly B vitamins Enrichment – thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid Enrichment required for refined cereal products
MINERALS Removed during milling Enrichment Fortification
WHOLE GRAINS Fiber Supply iron, phosphorus, thiamin and vitamin B6
SAFETY Extremely resistant to deterioration – if stored properly Cereal – all products from grain including milled flour and pasta
WHEAT Whole, cracked, milled Flour, breads, cereals, pastas Named for season, texture, and color Texture – hard or soft, determines usage Hard – more gluten = breads Soft – less gluten = cakes and pastries Semolina (Durum) – highly pigmented, hard wheat = pastas
BULGUR Wheat parboiled then dried Small amount of bran removed Cracked wheat
CORN Vegetable-sweet Non-vegetable uses-dent cornmeal, grits, hominy cornstarch, HFCS, corn oil Animal food
RICE Major cereal grain throughout world Least cereal allergy Polished during milling to remove brown bran Unpolished – more deterioration in flavor and infestation Extra long grain and long grain higher in amlyose Short grain less amlyose - sticky
RICE Used in cereals, flours, starches, wine “Converted” rice – water soluble nutrients from bran and germ travel to endosperm by pressure steam treatment Instant rice – dehydrated cooked rice Wild rice – seeds of reedlike plants – not rice
OATS Old fashioned and quick cooking Rolled – nearly entire oat kernel, rolled flat Quick cooking – cut groats into small pieces and roll Used - cereals, flours, cookies, granola bars, breads, Control of cholesterol Fat replacer (oatrim)
RYE, BARLEY, TRITICALE Rye – flour, bread, cereals, crackers Barley – flour, cereals, baby cereal, malted barley Pearled – remove outer hull, leaving pearl of grain Triticale – hybrid of wheat and rye
NON-SEED GRAINS MILLET – small seed grasses SORGHUM – special millet with large seeds BUCKWHEAT – seed of herbaceous plant, flour with distinctive flavor
PASTA Paste of milled grains, extruded Macaroni – no eggs, federal standards of identity Noodles – eggs Durum wheat - high protein with carotenoid pigments With legumes – may be able to make a complete protein Semolina– high-quality pasta