RiceClima project review Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation: Sustaining Rice Production in Bangladesh Dhaka, 210913 Royal Norwegian Embassy,


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Presentation transcript:

RiceClima project review Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation: Sustaining Rice Production in Bangladesh Dhaka, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Dhaka

Goal and objectives To assess the impacts of climate change on water resources and rice yields in the selected rice growing sub-divisions To identify suitable adaptation measures to address the impacts of droughts and salinity on rice production. To analyse the socio-economic vulnerability, farmers ability to adapt, and identify needs for the capacity development To disseminate results to policy makers, farmers, scientific community through active involvement of stakeholders (challenge – integrated/multidisciplinary approach)

Study areas Rajshahi Main challenges -Drought and water stress -Suitable rice cropping systems/drought tolerant rice varieties Barisal Main challenges -Saline intrusion -Salt tolerance rice varieties -Soil /water management

Main project outputs Work Component 1: Climate and Hydrology Modeling D 1.1 Future climate and hydrology scenarios and water availability D 1.2 Benchmark report from the two study areas showing the agricultural systems. D 1.3 – Crop model scenarios D 1.4 – A technical brief on model options and recommendations (shared results with stakeholders, quality control of deliverables)

Main project outputs Work Component 2: Demonstration of suitable adaptation technologies 2.1 A digest of local agro-techniques practiced by farmers in the study regions and challenges Farmers training on rice production systems conducted Trials at Rajshahi for screening drought tolerant rice varieties Salt tolerant rice varieties being tested at BRRI WUE trials and results shared Pest and disease risk management

Planned/actual tasks and outputs Work component 3 – Socio- economic vulnerability and adaptive capacity D 3.1 Two socio-economic vulnerability reports drafted D 3.2 A technical brief from the stakeholder analysis developed -18 farmers Focus Group meetings were conducted in the two project areas /FGD reports. 3.5 Stakeholder workshops and training for farmers

Planned/actual tasks and outputs Work component 4: Integration, dissemination and project management Stakeholder workshop, Jan 2013, Dhaka Annual work plan 2013 Dissemination of results at conferences (Spain, April 2013) Partners meeting in May, 2013, at Bioforsk, Ås, Norway Training workshops for farmers conducted in Rajshahi and Barisal

Stakeholder interaction To ensure that project results are more relevant and useful to end users To provide inputs to adaptation plans for agriculture sector at different levels To establish science-policy linkage (scientific results are taken up by policy makers) To ensure that planned project outcomes are achieved (field visits, stakeholder workshops, FGDs, meetings with key stakeholders)

Dissemination and capacity building Transfer of knowledge between partners Sharing of project results at local and regional workshops/meetings with government departments Training workshops (eg., Aquacrop workshop) Project reports, briefs, factsheets-local language Project brochure, project website Scientific publications/journal articles National and regional Conference

Follow up – Dec 2013-Nov 2014 Annual progress report for 2013 Planning for third year/Annual work plan (Dec 2013 to Nov 2014) Planned deliverables due in final year – 2014 Stakeholder workshop/conference Annual workshop and meetings Training and capacity building activities – 2014 Risks and deviations Budget status