Govt. of India Ministry of Agriculture (Dept. of Agriculture & Co-Operation) 191 – Patliputra Colony, Patna, Bihar – 800 013. Slide - 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Govt. of India Ministry of Agriculture (Dept. of Agriculture & Co-Operation) 191 – Patliputra Colony, Patna, Bihar – Slide - 1

Purpose The exercise involves design and development of a Portal for Directorate of Rice Development, Govt. of India whose head-office is located at Patna, Bihar. The portal is to help put up the role and responsibilities of the Directorate of Rice Development on to the web for public viewing. At the same time, it will also create a new channel for flow of information across the nation through Internet itself resulting in substantial saving of typing and re-compilation of work at different stages. Slide - 2

Existing System Till date, all aspects of information flow is being managed through different publications that are brought out by the Directorate from time to time. The information collection exercise involving offices spread across the nation catering to the requirements of 534 districts is being routed through telephone lines and faxes besides postal mail. To maintain the deadline for submission of various reports, the Directorate finds itself with little option but to pursue the concerned information supplying offices through phones and faxes. Slide - 3

What the Portal will do ? A web based portal for the Directorate of Rice Development will include a lot of things and open up an entirely new channel using which the information can be collected and disseminated. Different roles to be played by this portal will include - Publish and maintain up-to-date information Supply time bound research & development findings Provide details of rice varieties Specify suitability of a specific crop for a specific region Inform the farmers about different schemes It will also act as a medium for collecting basic information and generating reports for the Ministry. Slide - 4

Key Persons Involved From the Directorate of Rice Development Dr. S. Kori, Director Dr. M. C. Diwakar, Dy. Director Shri Ram Kripal, Asstt. Director Four Senior Technical Assistants From NIC Bihar State Unit Dr. Saurabh Gupta, Technical Director & SIO Shri Shahid Ahmad, PSA (Project Guide) Shri Somesh, SSA (Web Developer) Shri Ashok Kumar Singh, Programmer (Database Developer) This team will jointly work towards timely development and hosting of the portal. Slide - 5

Work Flow Diagram Slide - 6

Functions of the Directorate Some of the responsibilities of the Directorate of Rice Development are as follows - To assist the Dept. of Agriculture & Co-Operation to plan, to co-ordinate and to monitor the Rice Crop Development Programmes at the national level and recommend measures to improve Rice Production. To assist the states/union territories to plan, formulate and implement the Rice Development Programmes to increase production and productivity. To interact with national and state institutions in planning the production of rice seeds. To liaise with State Agricultural Universities and ICAR Research Institutions for organizing training courses on improved Cereal Crops Production Technologies. To have closer interaction/co-ordination with the Directorate of Rice Research, Central Rice Research Institute and other Regional Research Centres of ICAR and State Agricultural Universities. Slide - 7

Functions of the Directorate To have closer interaction/co-ordination with the Directorate of Rice Research, Central Rice Research Institute and other Regional Research Centres of ICAR and State Agricultural Universities. To keep in touch with research development activities of Agricultural Universities and other National and ICAR organizations and maintain the flow of information and ideas between research and development. To provide technical support to the Extension Units of the state departments of agriculture and special orientation training programme on rice production technology. To participate in the meetings of the Rice Workshops organized by ICAR and also Kharif and Rabi Conference organized by the State Dept. of Agriculture. To watch the performance of newly evolved/released rice varieties. To monitor and report to the Ministry of Agriculture about the Area Coverage, Production, Productivity and Weather Conditions during Kharif and Rabi on a weekly basis. Slide - 8

Functions of the Directorate To report regularly to the Dept. of Agriculture & Co-operation on weather and crop prospects as well as market and price trends. To build-up relevant records and data for the rice crop at the district, state and the national level. To monitor the distribution and utilization of the funds for Rice Seed Mini-Kit Demonstration Programme in different rice growing areas in the country. To organize the National Seminar on Rice Production Management every year. To monitor all crops in the assigned states, mainly - Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa - and submit the weekly reports regarding crop, weather conditions and the coverage area. As is apparent, timely management of flow of information is the strongest issue here and the Portal to be developed will have to keep this single issue in focus all the time. Slide - 9

Contents of Portal – #1 Brief introduction of Directorate of Rice Development. Functions and responsibilities of the Directorate. Information on Rice Development Schemes like – Special Rice Production Programmes (SRPP) Special Foodgrains Production Programme (SFPP) – Rice Integrated Programme for Rice Development (IRDP) Integrated Cereals Development Programme in Rice based Cropping System Areas (ICDP-RICE) Details of High Yielding Rice varieties … Continued. Slide - 11

Contents of Portal – #2 Variety Release Procedure and Seed Release Procedure Information on Macro Management Scheme of Agriculture. Details of Rice Crops and their suitability to different climatic conditions across India. Rice Productivity Analysis Basmati Rice in India and its Export Potential. Statistical Analysis of Rice Production across India over the last several years. Research papers on improving rice productivity. … Continued. Slide - 11

Contents of Portal – #3 Rice Growing Seasons and Soils in India. Methods of Cultivation of Rice. Rice Eco-Systems and Cropping Pattern. Utilization of by-products of Rice Milling Industries. Problems/Constraints to Rice Production. Strategies to Step-up Rice Productivity. The above list of items will enrich the web-site for its visitors and to help the sellers/buyers, there will also be a section reflecting the most up-to- date information on minimum support price of rice. Slide - 12

Contents of Portal – #4 Useful Information and Bulletins : Details of Rice Varieties. State-wise List of Rice Varieties. List of Denotified Rice Varieties. These bulletins would be updated from time to time to reflect the changes that take place. The web-site will also include useful information on Training Programmes on Rice Production Technology at the State-Level. Details of Special Orientation Training Programmes could also be included. Slide - 13

Contents of Portal – #5 Incoming And Outgoing Reports : 1.Area covered under high-yielding varieties of rice. 2.Area covered under hybrid-rice. 3.Area covered under Basmati rice. 4.District-wise final/revised estimates of area, production and yield of rice. 5.Recommended fertilizer dose of NKP per Hectare in Kharif and Rabi/Summer rice. … continued. Slide - 13

Contents of Portal – #6 Incoming And Outgoing Reports : 6.High-yielding varieties of rice. 7.Weather-watch Report, Tracing of Crop Condition and different crops of Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa States. 8.Component-wise Physical and Financial Progress Report of Front-Line Demonstrations. 9.Component-wise Physical/Financial Progress Reports of ICDP- RICE subsumed under Macro-Management Scheme of Agriculture. Slide - 14

Report Management The Portal will connect to an RDBMS like MS-SQL Server at the back-end after proper authentication and will have access limited to updation of records or to fetch data to generate meaningful reports. All communication between Portal and RDBMS will be handled through leading edge technology like Active Server pages or ASP. All reports would now be collected On-Line by the Directorate. The reporting offices will log-on to specific section of the Portal and type-in the data that needs to be forwarded on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Slide - 15

Report Management Besides on-line collection of the core data, the ASP scripts running on the Portal will also be responsible for answering queries from authorized users like State Agencies or the Ministry of Agriculture. Such users will need nothing more than a web-browser and Internet connectivity at their end to access the latest reports available with the Directorate of Rice Development. However, they will need to establish their credentials using allotted user-id and password in order to access the Report Section of the proposed Portal. Slide - 16

On-going Work Development of Portal for the Directorate of Rice Development has already been initiated by NIC Bihar State Unit and details pertaining to notified as well as de-notified rice varieties across the states have already been published. The Portal opens with an introduction and it includes background information along with the Role & Responsibilities of the Directorate of Rice Development. Development version is temporarily hosted at on a computer system at NIC Bihar State Unit. The SRS of this project has also been put up on this portal as ready reference. Slide - 17

Network Diagram Slide - 18

Time-Frame The Portal is expected to contain information spanning more than 1000 A4-size pages when fully ready. The reports to be collected and disseminated are equally complex. The resources available with Bihar State Unit are limited both in terms of web-server and expert manpower for such an exercise. Never-the-less, we have set a time-frame of 2 months to reach beta- testing of complete Portal. That means by end of April’2003, the Portal would begin to serve entire set of static information and management of data through this Portal would have entered testing phase. Slide - 19

Conclusion Training of Directorate Personnel on office productivity tools and data processing applications is already going on at Patna with the help of RCC, Kolkatta. Different systems to be installed under this project have begun to arrive at Patna. Some work related to wiring of these systems so as to form a LAN is still pending but it should be finished in March’2003 itself. NIC Bihar State Unit is extending all possible co-operation for smooth implementation of such a prestigious project. Thank You ! Slide - 20