BME-IDEA: Introduction to Workshop Options, 2007 AKA: Where should I go????
Two Workshop Choices Promoting Diversity World Health Technology in Design Assumptions for both workshops: –Audience has an interest in further developing topic for their own programs –Audience willing to trade ideas and hints –Audience would like to see issue promoted profession-wide
Promoting Diversity Workshop Diversity and Inclusion in BME –Discussion of barriers –Trading hints –Are there necessary policy changes to facilitate promotion of diversity? –Are there concrete steps this group can take to promote these changes?
World Health Technology in Design Overall Goal: Tool-box to enhance success for programs that want to engage in global health technology as part of educational efforts –Discussing barriers and ways to address these barriers –Consider Biomedical Engineering for the Developing World: A call to arms written by Matt Glucksberg et al as a basis for promoting changes in policy to call upon our profession to address global health disparities
Where to go…. 3:30- 4:45 Promoting Diversity Workshop –_____ Room World Health Technology in Design –_____ Room