Mid-day Meals Scheme Annual Work Plan Maharashtra
Secretary,School Education and Sports Dept. Govt. of Maharashtra National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (Mid-Day-Meal Scheme) Mid day meals
No. Of Institutions Covered During Primary, Upper Primary
Enrollment and children opted for MDM No.of Children opted for MDM : Primary Upper Primary Enrolment : Primary Upper Primary
MDM – PAB Approval vs. Performance During (No.of meals) No.of Meals served Primary Upper Primary No.of Meals to be served as per PAB : Primary Upper Primary
MDM – PAB Approval vs. Performance During (availed MDM) Average No. of children availed MDM with respect to no. of meals: Primary Upper Primary No.of Children as per PAB Approval : Primary Upper Primary
Utilisation of Foodgrain Rice Utilized (In MT ) Primary Upper Primary Rice Lifted (In MT) Primary Upper Primary-83223
Utilisation of Cooking cost Funds Utilized (Rs. in Lakh) Primary&- Upp.Pry Funds Released (Rs.in Lakh) Primary&- &- Upp..Pry 31668
Salient Features of AWP & B Number of students & Institutions TypeInstitutionsNo of children's likely to avail MDM Primary Upper Primary Number of working days for days
Salient Features of AWP & B ItemPrimaryUpper Primary Requirement of Food grains (In MT) Requirement for cost of Food grains (Rs. in lakh) Requirement of Cooking Cost (Rs. in lakh) (Central share rates Requirement of Transport Assistance (Rs. in lakh) Honorarium for cook cum helper (Rs. in lakh)
Salient Features of AWP & B Primary &Upper Primary ItemFunds Required (Rs.in.lakh) MME Kitchen cum stores Kitchen devices
Requirement Of Kitchen cum store
Utilization of Central assistance towards Procurement Of Kitchen Devices
Scheme implementation strategy adopted by state Government Government has taken a policy decision vide GR dated 18/06/09 and adopted following strategies. 1) Transportation of rice directly to schools level by a agency appointed through open tendering process. 2)In urban area central Kitchen system has been adopted by inviting Expression of Interest form NGOs 3)In Rural Area Supply of other food grain items directly to schools by a agency appointed through open tendering process.
Quality Management And Monitoring Flying squads established at District level Vigilance squads established at State level
Present Food grains Transportations Revised Food grains Transportations FCI Dist Supply Officer Tahsilder Ration shop School FCI Maharashtra State Co.op Marketing Federation (A State Gov.Undertaking) School FCI Food grains Transportations
Demands of State Government Ceiling of 50%,35% & 15 % expenditure of MME should be kept flexible at discretion of State Govt. MME funds allocated for External Monitoring & Evaluation should be permitted to use for Internal Monitoring purpose. State Government should be allowed to establish a separate State level MDM monitoring cell. The said cell will be of temporary posts which will be filled by deputation so that it will not create long term liability such as gratuity and pension etc. Permission be given to conduct external evaluation in every 5 years for the whole state. It will be conducted in stages of 1/5 th districts in every year.
Evaluation Report of MDM Scheme in Primary Schools School Education & Sports Dept. Maharashtra State.
Evaluation of MDM Scheme : Major findings Evaluation of Mid-Day-Meal Scheme of 7722 Primary schools in 30 districts done by Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration (YASHADA), Pune Evaluation covers all major aspects of MDM such as supply of rice and funds adequacy of funds, quality of rice, quality and quantity of food served to the children, community participation and monitoring system. Impact of MDM on various educational indicators such as enrollment, attendance of children has been examined during evaluation
Evaluation of MDM Scheme : Conclusion All schools in the sample avail the facility of MDM. The students who are from rich class do not take MDM in schools. Such children are 14% 80% Schools served meals for more than 200 days 1% Schools served meals less than 115 days.
Problem encountered by the schools Delay in payment of cooking cost. Difficulty in finding cooks due to low benefit. Headmasters/ Teachers have to spare average half hour to 50 min. a day for MDM related works. Funds are inadequate for supplementary items. Most of schools (77%) receive rice on time.
Problem encountered by the schools Cause of delay in supply of rice is the unavailability of rice at ration shop. Variation found in quantity and quality of rice supplied. The calories content of samples was found between 374 – 384 calories per 100 gm. Observations indicate that less quantity of rice is cooked in schools.
Infrastructure Arrangements Majority of schools served food in corridor In 85% of schools food is cooked either in corridors or in empty classrooms. In 41% of schools rice storage rooms are well and 44% of schools the rooms are not good enough but rice is stored in ‘Kothi’ In 62% of schools firewood is used for cooking. Adequate cooking utensils are available in almost of schools.
In 38% of schools Self Help Groups cooked the meals. Infrastructure Arrangements
Quality of food Protein content are sufficient. Nutritional requirements not fulfilled as food contents calories. ‘Khichadi, Masala rice and Varan Bhat’ are most common menu observed 85% of teachers test the food before serving to children.
Community Participation In general 4-39 % of schools observed community participation. In 51% schools parents supervise and help serving of food to children.
Monitoring of Scheme 54% of VEC/WEC/Local committee members and 52% of parents visited schools at least once in a week 43% of schools visited once in a year by MDM superintendents. 96% schools maintain rice register
Impact of MDM MDM had positive impact on regular attendance of children post lunch attendance of children, enrollment and decrease in drop out rate of students. It is also observe that concentration of children increased. MDM facilitate the abolition of classroom hunger. Pupils of all social background seem to be quite happy to sit to be others and share the same food.
Impact of MDM Majority (60-65%) of the cooks were the women and most of them come from underprivileged backgrounds.
Recommendations A separate administrative set up is essential for effective implementation of MDM. All the approved post of Block Superintendents should be filled. Advanced technology should be used for data management. A central cooking agency should be identified in each block
Recommendations The rice and funds could be directly transformed to cooking agency. The funds should be released as per SSA procedure.