PROJECTED FOODGRAIN DEMAND AND IRRIGATED CROP AREA FUTURE SHOCK ! PROJECTED FOODGRAIN DEMAND AND IRRIGATED CROP AREA unit 2010 2025 2050 Food grain demand million t 247 320 494 Net cultivated area m ha 143 144 145 Total cropped area 193 204 232 Total irrigated crop area 79 98 146 Source: National Commission on Integrated water resources development, GOI
SCENARIO -PRODUCTION Food production has to increase from 247 to 494 m MT (AD 2050) to feed the ever increasing Population. Increase in cultivated area will not add much to this requirement. (Possible increase only 2 m ha from the present 143 m ha ). Converting rain-fed crops to irrigation cover (Partial or Full) is the only way out (79 to 146 m ha).
SCENARIO- WATER Gross Water Requirement increases to 1200 BMC from the present 700 BMC. Available water remain at 1137 BMC Water deficit will force us to take extreme measures by 2030-2050. Before that happens conservation of water would help us survive better. Irrigation is the largest water user (+ 83%) Reducing water use in irrigation by increasing use efficiency will generate more water for irrigating more land area.
DRIP FERTIGATION TECHNOLOGY Drip Irrigation reduces water consumption Drip-fertigation enhances for fertilizer use efficiency. Drip irrigation enhances yield. Productivity increase with lesser and more efficient resource use This would be the Crux for future green revolution and food security thru water and energy security.
RICE STATUS Cultivated area of Rice 43.79 m ha Irrigated area 25.1 m ha (57%) Area of dry seeded rice 12.26 m ha (28%)
WHY DRIP?? DRIP Irrigation conserves water by 50-70 % besides increasing productivity across crops. Drip –fertigation enhances productivity by 60-100% Lessons from several crops.
CHALLENGE As a country we should do things OUT OF THE ORDINARY. One who dares wins We at Jain Irrigation have taken this challenge. Field trials were conducted in several states.
Water use (lac liter/ac) PADDY WITH DRIP at UDUMALPET, TAMIL NADU JAIN R&D FARM Method Yield ( t/ac) Water use (lac liter/ac) Power Use (units/ac) Flood 3.1 95 467 Drip 3.8 32 226 Difference% 22.5 66.3 52
FOOD AND WATER SECURITY THRU DRIP "... If a minimum ten per cent (especially rainfed area) of the total paddy area of 43.5 million hectares is brought under drip irrigation, then rice output can increase to 130 million tonnes by 2020," 4.35 million ha under drip will result in irrigation water for an additional 4.8 m ha.
Farmer’s Field, Narsapur, AP DRIP IRRIGATED RICE Farmer’s Field, Narsapur, AP YIELD UNDER DRIP 3.2 t/ac Incremental yield hike in Drip 1.2 t/ac (60%)
Farmer’s field in Kota, RAJASTHAN DRIP IRRIGATED RICE Farmer’s field in Kota, RAJASTHAN YIELD UNDER DRIP 8.5 t/ha (Variety Pusa 1121) Incremental yield due to Drip 1.5 t/ha (21%) YIELD UNDER DRIP 9.0 t/ha (Variety Pusa 2) Incremental yield due to drip 1.0 t/ha (12.5%)
RICE YIELD IN A TRIAL , JALGAON, MS (t/ac) Variety Flood Drip + Poly Mulch Drip + Husk Mulch SBH-999 2.4 3.3 3.2 25P25 1.8 2.7 25P31 2.8 3.7 MAS- 946-1 2.5 Try (R)-2 3.1 2.9 BPT 1.9 2.2 1010 ----- Pusa Sugandha 2.3 3.4
YIELD UNDER DRIP FROM DIFFERENT STATES RICE PRODUCTION SCENARIO IN DIFFERENT STATES OF INDIA States Rice (x 000 ha) Average Yield (t/ha) Yield under drip-fertigation in trials (t/ha) Andhra Pradesh 3982 3.1 9.38 t/ha ( Variety US 311) Maharashtra 1513 1.5 6.0-9.3 t/ha (several varieites) Punjab 2649 4.0 8.2 t/ha (Arize 6129) Rajasthan 107 9.2 t/ha (Pusa -2) Tamil Nadu 2050 7.5 -9.5 t/ha (ADT -45) Uttar Pradesh 5578 2.1 5.5 t/ha (Arise 6129)
RICE UNDER DRIP COST ECONOMICS at Jalgaon, MS. (per acre) Land preparation 1200.00 Inputs 18281.50 (drip cost , 35000 /acre for 12 seasonal crops ) labour 6735.00 TOTAL COST OF PRODUCTION 26216.50 INCOME @ INR 11/kg rice 38500.00 Net income from one season paddy 12283.50 B:C Ratio 2.13
Water Productivity kg / m3 Variety Water Productivity kg / m3 Flood Drip + Poly Mulch Drip + Husk Mulch SBH-999 0.13 0.69 0.67 25P25 0.10 0.50 0.57 25P31 0.14 0.70 0.62 MAS- 946-1 0.52 Try (R)-2 0.58 0.53 BPT 0.46 1010 0.17 0.00 Pusa Sugandha 0.12 0.64
DRIP FOR WHEAT IN Research station at Nifad, MS Method Yield (t/ac) Water use (lac liter/ac) Flood 1.6 50 Drip 2 20.4 Difference% 25 59
EFFORTS BY JAIN IRRIGATION Jain Irrigation has been experimenting the concept of rice cultivation thru drip irrigation. We work on our own: Experiments in Udumalpet, TN and Jalgaon, MS, farm We work with farmers: In Rajasthan, AP, Chattisgarh, Tamil nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab. We work with universities: Tamil nadu agriculture University We work with International Institutions: IRRI,
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