Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania AKF Tanzania, as part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), works in collaboration with partners to develop and promote innovative solutions that contribute to improving the quality of life Approach: Multi-Input Area Development (MIAD) – Long-term, multiple AKDN investments in multiple sectors in given geographies Institutional and Systems Strengthening – Identifying development drivers; strengthening existing systems and local institutions – public, private and community based; working with others; learning and policy dialogue
Why Lindi & Mtwara Poor indicators, strong growth potential Health and Education Indicators 40% of children under 5 years stunted; 31% in Lindi have access to safe water; 52% of the population in Lindi have access to toilet facilities; 54% of children in Lindi and Mtwara enter primary school at the right age (7 years); 12% gross pre-primary enrolment. 59% literacy in Lindi; 62% in Mtwara Despite agricultural potential: Low average rice yields of 500 kg/hectare Low average sesame yields of 341 kg/hectare Limited access to quality inputs Over 70% of people are excluded from formal and informal financial services (Finscope Survey 2009) 2% of cultivated land irrigated Food insecurity up to 4 months per year
Coastal Rural Support Programme Tanzania (CRSPT) Established in 2009 with a multi-sector vision in Mtwara and Lindi Initial focus on economic sector – Increasing agricultural productivity (rice and sesame) – Strengthening agricultural market system, and – Improving access to finance – Learning agenda – research for action Education and health programmes from 2013
Coastal Rural Support Programme (CRSPT)
Rural Economic Development Connecting smallholders to growth by contributing to sustainable improvements in food security, income, assets and savings of households in targeted regions Achievements Rice and sesame yields increased Aggregated farmers (44,000 trained to-date) Bringing in larger buyers and input suppliers Encouraging private sector growth from small to large (150 local entrepreneurs trained, 11 rice millers up from 4) Increasing access to finance
Interlinked Production and Market Development Surplus grown and aggregated Market for produce Inputs and Access to Finance Extension Services Gov’t Extension Officers, Community Facilitators, Radio, Village- Based Agents VBAs, Buyers, Input Suppliers, Savings Groups Farmers groups, PCs, PMGs, Irrigation Traders, Buyers, Contract Farming Building private sector awareness Local entrepreneurs supported and linked Facilitating incentives for buyers and suppliers Systems strengthening: Seed supply, storage, extension
Access to Finance: Savings Groups 113,000 people in 5,808 savings groups 65% female participation USD 5,537,000 mobilized in savings by members Average savings per member $40/cycle Many groups aligned to agricultural cycle
Transforming a fragmented agricultural system into a vibrant business opportunity: local entrepreneurs (VBAs), outside enterprises, suppliers, buyers. Challenges with market/political environment around primary cooperative system, seed value chain, post-harvest losses, climate change, access to finance Connecting Smallholders to Growth
Long-term Vision Focus on sectors with potential for growth and multiplier effects – Value chain strengthening in rice, sesame, horticulture, pulses – Irrigation (especially rice and horticulture) – Conservation agriculture for more efficient and sustainable land management – Access to finance (linkages and technology driven solutions) – Deeper links between smallholders and markets – contract farming, farmer companies Greater focus on systems strengthening in key areas that unlock potential for growth – Extension service, input supply, warehouse receipt system, agricultural marketing system and institutions such as AMCOs/PMGs, and financial services Increased collaboration with the private sector (for the benefit of small holders) Agricultural policy, diffusion of successful approaches to similar lowland rainfed rice production environment in Tanzania; policy dialogue to address inefficiencies in the market. Supporting Poverty Reduction and Growth in Mtwara and Lindi
Field Visit Agenda Group pm Introduction and Discussion on AKF –CRSPT approach to private sector 2.50 – 3.00pmTravel to Haule Rice Miller 3 – 3.30pm Haule Rice Mills Storage Facility Mtwara Urban-Mnarani 3.30pm – 3.45pm Travel to Nnekachi –CBSG in Mtwara Urban pm Visit Nnekachi –CBSG Mtwara Urban pmBack to Hotel pmDinner organised by AKF at Msemo for DPG-PSD, Govt. officials and Development partners Group pm Introduction and Discussion on AKF –CRSPT approach to private sector pm Travelling to CBSG – Yatakamoyo at Mikindani pmYatakamoyo CBSG Mikindani pmTravel to Tuinuke PMG - Mpapura pmVisit Tuinuke PMG - Mpapura pmBack to Hotel pmDinner organised by AKF at Msemo for DPG-PSD, Govt. officials and Development partners