The Life of Edmund Ignatius Rice Part Three ( )
A new beginning 1802 and beyond
“Your monastery is in the streets”
Edmund lived out the remainder of his days as a member of the Brothers’ community in Mt Sion where he died on the 29 August in He is buried in the Edmund Rice complex, Mt Sion Waterford. Pope John Paul II beatified Edmund on 6 October The feast day of Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice is formally celebrated on 5 May.
What needs did he see in the world in which he lived? How did he respond to those needs? What helped him and gave him strength in his response?
The Creed of Edmund’s People We believe the God fire burning in our hearts can transform both ourselves and our world. We believe we are called by God to a deep personal relationship with Jesus, the lover of all creation, as brother or sister. We believe we are called to be good news people.
The Creed of Edmund’s People We believe we are called to be stewards of creation. We believe we are called to witness by prophetic action to our option to the poor, the oppressed, and people at the margins.
The Creed of Edmund’s People We believe in community which is prayerful, inclusive and welcoming. We believe others share the Charism of Edmund Rice, and are one with us in living it out. We hear the call to live justly, love tenderly and to walk humbly with our God. Amen.