Priorities of Soil Management for Extreme Events and Drought Charles W. Rice University Distinguished Professor Soil Microbiology Department of Agronomy
Grazing Lands (Mark Nearing, personal communication)
Variation in Crop Yields Sorghum Wheat
Irrigated Corn in Kansas Assefa, Roozeboom and Rice
Conservation Agriculture Cropping Systems Restores soil carbon Conserves moisture Saves fuel Saves labor Lowers machinery costs Reduces erosion Improved soil fertility Controls weed Planting on the best date Improves wildlife habitat
Conservation practices to mitigate and adapt NT wheat had 3.4 in. more water than CT wheat at planting. –30% higher yield: 36 versus 28 bu ac -1 Enhanced soil organic matter content maximizes crop water use efficiency Time of planting, seeding configuration and plant populations Choice of crop species, depending on site-specific considerations Vegetative barriers and terraces may enhance water storage, reduce evaporation, and minimize risks of wind erosion Lal et a., Adapting agriculture to drought and extreme events. J. Soil Water Conserv. 67:
Conservation practices to mitigate and adapt to drought and climate variability 1.Erosion prevention and protection from extreme weather events, which may be more damaging in the future. 2.Irrigation infrastructure to reduce water losses and increase irrigation efficiencies. 3.More diverse cropping systems to adapt to variable climates and new pest and disease pressures. 4.Develop crop varieties that are drought-tolerant and more resistant to heat stress, with higher N-use efficiencies.
5. Improve the synchronization of planting and harvesting operations with shifts in the hydrologic cycle (rainy season). 6. Manage soil and crops to increase water-use efficiencies. 7. Value agricultural commodities for their water footprint or environmental traits. 8. Increase soil C sequestration to improve soil functions. 9. Increase N-use efficiencies for cropping systems. 10. Apply the concepts of precision/target conservation to increase conservation effectiveness across spatial and temporal variability.
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