2.05KK Grains: Good for You1 GRAINS: GOOD FOR YOU BARLEY CORN OATS RICE WHEAT REMEMBER: Grains are a great source of carbohydrates. When whole grains are eaten, the grains are carbohydrates and are considered complex carbohydrates. They are a good source of fiber in our diet.
2.05KK Grains: Good for You3 COOKING METHODS When using cornmeal or flours, they are incorporated into recipes. Grits-bring water to a boil, slowly add grits, stir, reduce to simmer for about 10 minutes, covered Oatmeal-bring water to a boil, slowly add oatmeal, stir, reduce to simmer for about 5 minutes, uncovered Couscous-bring water to boil, slowly add couscous, remove from heat, cover and let sit for 5 minutes
2.05KK Grains: Good for You4 COOKING METHODS CONT. Pasta-bring water to boil, add pasta, bring back to boil and begin timing, then uncover pot Use time on package, cook only until al dente Rice-bring water to boil, add rice, cover and reduce to simmer for 20 minutes or until water is absorbed (Brown rice takes a little longer)
2.05KK Grains: Good for You5 MEAL PATTERNS & GRAINS At what meals could the following cooked grains be served? What cultures eat these foods? Couscous Grits Pasta Rice What kind of add-ins could be used in these grains To make them palatable for different meals other than traditional ones? Can cold cereals be served at other times other than breakfast?
Kernel of Wheat HUSK
the source of all breads and cereals. All grain kernels have 3 basic parts: Contains Vitamin B, Fiber and Minerals Contains carbohydrates, iron, protein and B vitamins Contains B vitamins, Vitamin E, iron, zinc, trace nutrients
What’s a Whole Grain? Whole Grains: Made from entire kernel including bran, germ, endosperm. Refined grains: Milled so germ and bran are removed. Enriched: Adding nutrients lost during the processing of the grain back into the finished product ex. White flour.
Fiber is NON-SOLUBLE, so as it is eaten and travels through the system, it cleans out the digestive tract. By cleaning the walls of the intestines, colon, etc., it is recommended as a deterrent to cancer cell growth. The endosperm contains carbohydrates. As a calorie source, they are the body’s main source of energy. The carbohydrates found in breads and cereals are primarily starches. Starches are complex carbohydrates… meaning they consist of long chains of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen molecules. Whole wheat bread is made from flour containing all three parts of the grain kernel. The bran gives the bread the browner color. In white bread, the bran has been removed. Since the bran is the best source of natural fiber, this bread is not as good for you to eat.
Rice is grown in short, medium, and long grains. BROWN RICE: whole kernel with just the hard hull covering removed. WHITE RICE: the hull, bran, and germ have been removed. CONVERTED RICE: this rice was briefly boiled with the hull on, then hulled and dried to preserve the nutrients. INSTANT RICE: pre-cooked and dehydrated Rice can be boiled, steamed, and fried. It can be served in bland, spicy, and sweetened dishes…and served in every course, from appetizers to desserts.
Oats are processed into oatmeal, which is available in regular and quick-cooking varieties. Oatmeal can be cooked as cereal or used as an ingredient in cookies and cakes.
Wheat is ground into flour, and flour is made into breads, cakes, cookies, cereals, etc. Corn can be ground into cornmeal and made into corn chips, taco shells, cornbread, corn flakes, etc. Don’t confuse field corn with the vegetable sweet corn. Grits are the ground endosperm of corn. They are served as a side dish, especially in the South, and often instead of potatoes.
Bulgur is a tender, but with a chewy texture. It consists of steamed, dried and crushed wheat kernels. It can be served as main or side dishes, or sprinkled on salads. Millet is a small yellow grain with a mild flavor used as a breakfast cereal. Couscous is the steamed, cracked endosperm of wheat. It has a nutty flavor and is used as a cereal, main dish, salad topping, or dessert. Rye is a strong flavored grain with dark coloring. It is commonly used for breads and crackers. Barley is a mild flavored grain used as a soup ingredient. Kasha is roasted buckwheat that is hulled and has a nutty flavor. It is used for cereal and side dishes.
…comes from the Italian word meaning “paste” 1.Made from flour & water 2.Rolled thin 3.Cut into shapes 4.dried Noodles are made from regular pasta dough, but with eggs added. Pasta dough is sometimes colored and flavored with spinach or squash, etc. Store homemade pasta in the freezer. The very hard pasta in grocery stores is made with a special variety of wheat flour. It has an extremely long shelf life.