90kg Rice Challenge
This is Howard. He is one of the farmers who grows the rice. He has three children but also looks after his brother’s family.
Howard lives in a small village, Kilonga, in the north of Malawi.
Here are some of Howard’s neighbours, meeting a Scottish visitor, preparing food and having time out..
Growing Rice Howard only uses a small amount of rice for his family but sells most of his crop. If he can sell 90kg. of rice he can send one of his children to high school.
Howard and his wife work on the farm. His children help at weekends and during the holidays by threshing the rice. If her father gets a fair price for his rice then she can go to high school.
Weighing & Bagging Fair trade means a fair price is paid to the farmer.
The Start of the Journey The rice is taken by cart or lorry to the mill in a neighbouring town.
The farmers have formed a collective to export their rice.
How Our Rice Gets to Us...
. The first container of rice was on here. Somewhere!
The rice is unloaded and transported to the warehouse in Paisley.
Now you are selling the rice! Thank you!
Here are some of the Malawian students your sales have helped.