Assessment and Analysis Agriculture Situation Update.


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Presentation transcript:

Assessment and Analysis Agriculture Situation Update

Current Problems/Vulnerabilities Waterlogging Siltation Erosion Lack of Irrigation Water Lack of Fresh Water Reserver Lack of Polder Management Climate Change Lack of Fresh Water Flow Lack of Appropriate Technology

Reduce scope of crop cultivation Mortality of fruits and plantation crops Affects soil health Waterlogging Risks Siltation Risks Affect drainage system Create water logging Increase flood threat Hamper water flow of canal and river Lack of Appropriate technology Risks Hamper food security

Affect Fertility Decrease cultivable land area Migration of agricultural labor Erosion Risks Lack of Irrigation Water Risks Hamper irrigation Reduce crop production and yield Decrease cultivable land area

Hamper irrigation Reduce crop production and yield Lack of Fresh Water Risks Lack of Polder Management Risks Erosion of soil Hamper plantation crop Outside siltation increase Hamper drainage system

Salinity increased Washing of Land hamperred-Crop production and yield decreased Unavailability of irrigation water Decrease cultivable land area Lack of fresh water Flow Risks

Cyclone Increase (SIDR, AILA) Embankment erosion Waterlogging Siltation Changing cropping pattern Reduce cropping intensity Crop biodiversity affected Climate Change Risks

Hamper crop production and yield Soil degradation Crops extinction Affect homestead garden and Fodder cultivation Salinity Risks Lack of Appropriate technology Risks Hamper food security

Development of saline tolerant varieties Development of sustainable crop production technology Multipurpose polder management Development of rain water harvester Establishment of rain water reservoir Excavation and re-excavation of canal and rivers Creating awareness on climate change Technological and other options

 Training for farmers on crop production under stress condition  Capacity building of the extension agents and officers  Coordination among GOB/Donors and NGOs  Development of Early warning system on climatic hazards  Seed storage facilities on cyclone and flood prone areas  Community based extension approach (FFS)  Conservation biodiversity  Adaptive research  Extension-education-research Technological and other options

Crop Type and Area Under Inundation Assessment and Analysis DistrictUpazilaArea under inundation(ha) Seed bed of T.Aman T.AmanAus Vegetable / spices Total Percentage of inundation Satkhira 1.Sadar Kolaroa Tala Debhata kaligonj Ashasuni Shaymnagar TOTAL Sadar & Tala 83,452 farmers lost 10,860 hectares of aus and T aman rice crops, vegetables and tubers yield reduction expected % (DLS) Sadar & Tala 83,452 farmers lost 10,860 hectares of aus and T aman rice crops, vegetables and tubers yield reduction expected % (DLS)

Cropping Calendar Assessment and Analysis A typical crop calendar for Satkhira SeasonRice cropJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSystem RabiBoro Irrigated Kharif IAus Rainfed Kharif IIT. Amon Rainfed A typical Rice cropping System calendar for Satkhira The majority of farmers growing aus rice lost their crops to the flood as it was ready for harvest. T aman rice was their post-flood crop.

Economic Analysis Assessment and Analysis CropsTotal land (ha)Total loss (‘000 Tk.) T. Aus T. Aman Seed Bed T. Aman Spices Vegetables Total Nearly 80 percent of Satkhira District was classified as “double cropping of rice” employing a large number of landless labourers.

142,800 chickens 4,381 ducks 62,800 cows 58,500 goats 1,280 sheep 180 buffalo Source: Department of Livestock Services (DLS) Livestock Losses due to Water Logging Assessment and Analysis Infrastructural losses were estimated around Tk. 217 lakh Sadar & Tala 18,840 livestock rearers who lost or were forced to sell their animals, or were affected by a relocation and loss of production, from 32,200 cattle, 33,600 goats, 840 sheep, and 66,000 chickens and ducks Sadar & Tala 18,840 livestock rearers who lost or were forced to sell their animals, or were affected by a relocation and loss of production, from 32,200 cattle, 33,600 goats, 840 sheep, and 66,000 chickens and ducks

Around 27,967 fishers and fishermen affected Sadar & Tala: 20,182 fish farmers who suffered damage to fish ponds and lost 9,086 metric tonnes of fish-stock, 1,564 metric tonnes of shrimps and 19.5 million fingerlings. Source: Department of Livestock Services (DLS) Fisheries Damages due to Water Logging Assessment and Analysis Estimated financial loss due to inundation Tk lakh

Joint FAO & GoB Interventions (2011) Assessment and Analysis UpazilsFAO interventionsGOB interventions HHKind of supportHHKind of support Assasuni Fisheries-(800-Carp fingerlings and 5-fertilizers, 50 kg feed/HH Poultry- 18 chicken, 120 kg feed& shed materials /HH 20 Seedlings of T.Aman Rice Shymnagar 250 Poultry- 18 chicken, 120 kg feed & shed materials/HH 80 Seedlings of T.Aman Rice Tala--20 Seedlings of T.Aman Rice Debhata--20 Seedlings of T.Aman Rice Total1900Fisheries/ Poultry 140T.Aman Rice

FAO Interventions (2011) Assessment and Analysis Sub componentsOriginal number of beneficiaries (as per project document) Number of beneficiaries (Implemented) Crop component Boro Rice10,000 Maize Horticulture (100% women )40,000 Agriculture Machinery10,000 Low Lift Pump and pipes2,500 Aus Rice-5,000 Total of crop component65,70069,444 Goat2,000 Cow700 Chicken5,000 Livestock component7,700 Fishery component Aquaculture7,800 Capture Fishery (FRP boats) and boat building Total of fishery component8,6107,945 Total82,01085,089

Assessment and Analysis Sl. No.Upazila Cultivation Area (ha) Production Target (mt/ha) Production (mt/ha) HybridHYVLocalTotalHYVLocalHybridHYVLocal 1Sadar Kolaroa Tala Debhata Kaligonj Assasuni Shyamnagar Total N.B Cultivation target was- HYV=15200 ha, Local= 32 ha, Total= ha Production target was-HYV=36480 mt, Local=- 38mt, Total= mt in clean Rice AUS Status of Cultivation and production of Aus in and Aman in

Assessment and Analysis N.B Cultivation target was- HYV=96775ha, Local= 2211 ha, Total= ha Production target was-HYV= mt, Local=- 3530mt, Total= mt in clean Rice AMAN Sl. No Upazila Cultivation Area (ha) Production Target (mt/ha) Production (mt/ha) Remarks HYVLocalTotalHYVLocalHYVLocal 1Sadar Cultivation target could not be achieved due to excess rainfall 2Kolaroa Tala Debhata Kaligonj Assasuni Shyamnagar Total Status of Cultivation and production of Aus in and Aman in

Assessment and Analysis Upcoming GOB Support for Rice Farmers in Sathkhira District Source: Control Room, DAE, Khamarbari, Dhaka. Each farmer will get 5 kg Aus (HYV) seed, 20 kg Urea, 10kg TSP and 10 kg MOP = total 45 kg production inputs

Upcoming FAO Interventions Assessment and Analysis OUTCOME: The adoption of agricultural diversification, technologies and practices by 1000 farmers from Satkhila District that are unable to grow rice crops because of persistent water-logging of their paddy fields OVERALL GOAL: Reduce vulnerability (by improving food production and income generation) and develop coping mechanisms to protect livelihoods against future flooding and water-logging.

Upcoming FAO Interventions Assessment and Analysis Sub- component Number of Groups Number of Beneficiaries (HHs) Type of intervention Type of inputs Crop production 100 Crop Farmer’s Groups 2500 beneficiary farmers 25 farmers per group) Crop seed & fertilizer HYV rice seed & fertilizer (MOP, TSP, Urea) 50 Horticulture Farmer’s Groups 1250 beneficiary farmers 25 farmers per group) Horticulture5 fruit tree saplings, 5- vegetable seed packets, fertilizer (NPK), spades and watering cans Animal husbandry 20 Livestock Farmer’s Groups (landless/margin al livestock rearers) 500 beneficiary farmers 25 farmers per group) 2 goats/sheep per HH with feed Aquaculture25 Fish Farmer’s Groups of farmers 625 small-scale fish farmers (carp or shrimp packages) Packages of carp/shrimp (golda/bagda) and with lime, fertilizer and feed for each package Total195 Groups4 875 HHs

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