Farming the wrong way Classification of farming
Intensive vs Extensive Intensive = small farm + large inputs per unit of land Output per land is high Output per man is low Extensive = large farm + small inputs per unit of land Output per land is low Output per man is high
Intensive farming Small farm size Use a lot of labour + fertilizers Large production for each unit of land
Extensive farming Large farm size Use little labour Use machines Small production for each unit of land
Arable farming Grow crops only Like rice, wheat
Pastoral farming Rear animals only (livestock) Like sheep, cows
Mixed farming Grow crops + rear livestock
Subsistence farming Provide food for farmers’ family Not for sale
Commercial farming Crops are grown for sale
What are the characteristics of the following farms?
A wheat farm in the USA Extensive Arable commercial
A sheep farm in New Zealand Extensive Pastoral commercial
A vegetable farm in Hong Kong Intensive Arable commercial
A flower farm in the Netherlands Extensive Arable farming commercial
A vineyard in France Extensive Arable commercial
A terraced rice farm in China Intensive Arable subsistence
A wheat-sheep farm in Australia Extensive Mixed commercial
By e Quack!