Edible Oil Sector in Pakistan By Mr. Ghulam Idris, National Coordinator (Olive) Managing Director, Pakistan Oilseed Development Board (PODB) Round Table “Italian – Pakistani Olive Growing” 25th September 2009, Florence
Agriculture Sector in Pakistan Agriculture Sector is single largest contributor to the National Economy: Contribute 22% to Gross Domestic Product Employs 44% of the work force Over 50% of industrial production comes from agro- business Earns (directly or indirectly) 70% of export revenues Provides livelihood to 67% rural households
Sub- Sectors Crop Sector Livestock Sector Major crops: Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane, Rice, Minor Crops: Oilseeds, Pulses, Potato, Onion etc. Livestock Sector Livestock, Dairy, Poultry and Fisheries
Irrigation System in Pakistan
Land Use Item Total Area (Million ha) Geographical Area 79.61 Area under Crop Cultivation 23.39 Forest Area 4.19
Population (2007-08) Item Number (Million) Total Population 160.97* Rural Population 65% Urban Population 35% * Estimated
Main Agriculture Crops (Year: 2008 - 09) No. Crop Planting Area (M.ha) Production (M.M.Ton) Yield (kg/ha) 1 Wheat 9.053 25.00 2,761 2 Cotton 2.850 12.06* 720 3 Rice 2.916 6.543 2,244 4 Sugarcane 1.044 52.07 49,900 5 Maize 1.062 3.326 3,131 6 Sunflower 0.376 0.598 1,493 * Million bales
Vegetable and Fruits S. No. Vegetables/Fruits Planting Area (M.ha) Production (M.M.Ton) Yield (kg/ha) 1 Potato 0.154 2.539 16,450 2 Onion 0.153 2.015 13,160 3 Chillies 0.049 0.104 2,122 4 Citrus 0.199 2.295 11,530 5 Mangoes 0.166 1.754 10,566 6 Apple 0.113 0.442 3,907
Edible Oil Sector Profile
EDIBLE OIL OVERVIEW 2008-09 Particulars Million tons Local Production* 0.700 Imports** 1.969 Total Availability 2.669 Industrial Use 10% 0.669 Edible oil Demand 2.402 * Sunflower 32%; Canola 5%; Cottonseed 53%; Rapeseed-mustard 10% ** Edible Oils: Palm oil, Soybean & others; Oilseeds: Canola, Soybean, Sunflower Local/Import ratio: 26 % : 74 %
STAKEHOLDERS Pakistan Oilseed Development Board (PODB) Farmers Solvent Extraction Industry (45 Units) Ghee/Oil Manufacturers (115 Units) Poultry Feed Industry (138 Units) Seed Companies (4)
Oilseed Crops New Interventions Sunflower Canola Cottonseed Soybean Groundnut New Interventions Oilpalm Olive
Why Olive? 1. Main Oilseed crops like Sunflower and Canola competes with major crop Wheat. 2. More than 800,000 hectares have been identified suitable for olive cultivation. Olive can be planted without disturbing any major crops in these areas. 3. About 50 million naturedly growing wild olive indicates that olive can be grown well in marginal areas.
Potential for Olive Cultivation in Pakistan
Climatic Requirements for olive cultivation Factors Standard Climate Pakistan Climate Temperature 15-25oC 10oC - 45oC Rainfall 700-800mm > 500 mm Humidity 85-90% 70% Altitude 700-800m 500-900m Chilling Req. 400-2000hrs 400-2100 hrs
Maximum Temperature regimes of Major Olive growing Countries
Minimum Temperature regimes of Major Olive growing Countries
Olive Development Activities On-going Projects 1. Rapid Conversion of Wild Olive into Oil Bearing Species 2. New Plantation of Olive in NWFP, Potohar & Balochistan and Maintenance of Orchards Established by PODB 3. Development of Olive Model Farm for R & D Activities 4. Development of Olive Production and Processing in Balochistan
Olive Development Activities 1. More than 7 million wild olive (Olea Cuspidata) grafted with European type olive species. 2. Olive nursery infrastructure established. 3. Olive Orchards established on 1,130 Acres. 4. Large and small scale Olive oil extraction facility obtained. 5. Olive Germplasm unit establish – to be strengthened in future. 6. Manpower trained locally and abroad. 7. Olive nursery infrastructure established. 8. Potential Areas identified. 9. Awareness campaign launched
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