By” Jason Zapata Climaco.
I dedicate this book to my little brother matias. He is someone awesome, his smile is amazing and everything about him. When he came out my dad told me he was a boy and I was so happy I kind of cried.
Dedication page My family traditions ChristmasChristmas around the world 1: Spainaround the world 1: Spain Christmas around the world2: Mexico Red activity Red activity 1: Red activityRed activity 2: Green activity 1: Green activity 2: Green activity 3: Purple activity 1: Purple activity 2: Purple activity 3: Purple activity 4: About the author
Spain eats dinner after midnight and they have a party but the ladies' wear dresses and the men wear normal clothes. Spain doesn’t really celebrate Santa they celebrate papa. They would have their celebration at a house or somewhere have a party. They worship the cows. forward back
Spain eats rice, lettuce, and chicken or maybe something else. They eat after midnight because they like to eat at night. forwardback
They decorate there house with lights and stuff. They put carved fingers on there table. Young boys light up the town because they do that when there is a event happening in Spain. forward back
In Portugal the tradition of gift-giving was defined mostly by the strong Christian religious beliefs of the people. Children await the coming of the Three Wise Men during Christmas time. They do not recognize the red suit of most traditions as the person who brings gifts, but, gifts are a big part of the many Christmas celebrations. back forward
They have a feast known as the consoda which takes place on the morning of Christmas Day. The Christmas Feast of the Immaculate Conception and the Feast of the Holy Innocents do not involve the sharing of gifts. They eat a lot of food at night then party. back forward
They put lights everywhere in there country so everything well shine ups. The consoada is the reunion of the family, until they wait for the coming of Father Christmas at midnight and takes place on the dinner of the 24thDecember/Christmas Eve, not in the morning of 25. back forward
Santa gives presents Arrives around the world Never disappoints Tries to make kids happy Always on time back forward
Christmas joyful happy Caroling gifting eating A event where everybody comes together. backforward
Santa came down with no presents, That’s when the kid learned his lesson. Every year Christmas is a joy Adults get their stuff and kids get their toys. back forward
Once upon a time their was a boy called Tim, he was a very naughty boy. He always disrespected his parents and friends. On his wish list he wanted a red bike and 2 ps3 games, but Santa didn’t want to give it to him. So one day Santa came one day before Christmas and talk to Tim and said “Tim you have been naughty” and Tim said “I'm sorry, I will be a good boy now” and Santa said “ thank you” and Santa left. On Christmas day Tim got 2 ps3 games and a red bike and Tim said “This is the best Christmas ever. back forward
I would like to spend my Christmas in Spain because: They have good food They party a lot They have nice decorations Nice clothes It’s a fun country. backforward
My favorite holiday activity is visiting my family members on Christmas eve, I wouldn’t like to go on Christmas day because to like to spend my Christmas day with my family. We eat dinner after a movie, sometimes we play games, video games with my cousins and board games with my whole family. Its not just our family there, my family members usually invite friends. Its a lot of fun there so that’s my favorite holiday activity. back forward
1)I do not think wishing on a star really helps dreams come true because I don’t believe on that stuff. 2)To make wishes come true you can wish upon a shooting star. 3)What I wish for myself for Christmas is some ps3 games and some clothes. 4)For the others I wish for Christmas that they will be happy on Christmas. 5)To make people happy it takes respect and to be nice to them. backforward
December 24 th -Wake up _ play some video games -go to a Christmas concert -go out to buy stuff for dinner tonight. -get ready for dinner at grandmas -go to grandmas. -we eat dinner at grandmas -come back around 1:00 AM -go to bed. December 25 th -wake up -say merry Christmas to everybody -talk to my family of what's going to happen today. -call people for the party tonight. -have a dinner first. -have a fun party at 7 -open presents at mid- night. Go to bed around 2 o clock. back forward
It’s better to give than to receive because you make people feel good with a present and it’s a nice thing to do for people. People well see that you are a nice person and that you care about people. People wont think that you’re a selfish person if you think about other people. backforward
1) Hanukkah means the eight day of a Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the temple of Jerusalem. 2) Hanukkah last for eight days. 3) it is special holiday because that’s what they grew up with and that is their Christmas. 4)menorah is a nine-branched candelabrum used in celebration of Hanukkahs. back forward
For my breakfast I would make eggs, toast, hush browns, and sausages. And for lunch I would go out to a restaurant that serves good food. And for dinner I would rice, chicken, and lettuce. back Forward
1)If I met Santa face to face I would ask him for a lot of things and be happy. 2)If I lost all my Christmas shopping money I would be sad. 3)If a small child ask me if Santa was really real my proof would be that you get presents from him. 4) If someone I don’t know bought me something for Christmas I would say thank you and send that person something too. 5)If my best friend wasn’t invited to a party and I was invited then I wouldn’t go because I would spend time with my best friend instead. 6)If I was given 1 million dollars for needy people I would give them the money. 7)I wouldn’t care if I had the same present as my 2 best friends. back Forward
My name is Jason, my favorite sport is soccer and basketball. In my free time I like to play video games, my favorite game is black ops. I am athletic I like to go outside and hang out with friends. I am a good kid. back