How do we use genetics to our advantage? What are the risks of using genetics to our advantage?
Biotechnology The use of living systems or organisms to make or develop useful products
Examples of Biotechnology
Genetic engineering making changes to DNA code and putting back into cell
Applications of Genetic Engineering
Transgenic organisms Transgenic organisms- contains genes from other organisms
Transgenic Plants Soybeans – produces insecticides Edible cotton seeds – not available yet Golden rice – genes from flowers to increase beta carotene
Transgenic Animals Designer Babies - DNA from 3 people found in 15 babies. Featherless chickens Glittering seahorses Glofish - can buy at Walmart
Genetically modified organisms Many transgenic plants and animals fit into this category Organisms whose genome has been changed by genetic engineering genetically-modified-foods-6bwrNwni/what-is-a- genetically-modified-food-instant-egghead-45- scientific-american/ genetically-modified-foods-6bwrNwni/what-is-a- genetically-modified-food-instant-egghead-45- scientific-american/
Cloning Process of creating genetically identical organisms 1 st animal cloned from an adult cell was - Dolly the sheep Human cloning is illegal in many countries
Current uses for cloning Clone your pet: cost 50,000 and up
Selective Breeding breeding animals and plants for a particular trait
Hybridization the process of interbreeding individuals of different species
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What is the process of genetic engineering? Recombinant DNA: Genetically engineered DNA created by splicing DNA from a different organism into the host DNA. Uses a plasmid Plasmid - circular DNA found in bacteria
DNA Technology DNA fingerprinting - a test to evaluate genetic information Used in criminal cases, paternity cases, to identify victims of accidents and ancestry.
How do scientists make a DNA fingerprint? DNA is collected ( ex. Hairbrush, toothbrush, chewing gum, skin and other sources) Restriction enzyme is added to sample to cut DNA into smaller fragments. Sample is placed in a special gel and the gel is then put into electrophoresis equipment.
How does a gel electrophoresis works? Electrical current is applied to the gel with the DNA sample Smaller DNA fragments moves to end of the gel and larger DNA fragments stay at the top of the gel Gel is stained to see fragments better
What happens if the sample is too small? Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) - process to make copies of DNA erase-chain-reaction-pcr erase-chain-reaction-pcr
Gene Therapy Ex. Add corrected copy of a defective gene to treat or prevent a genetic disease