Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity May 30, 2013 Washington, DC Protection: Household Production.


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Presentation transcript:

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity May 30, 2013 Washington, DC Protection: Household Production Contributing to Resiliency for the Poor Kirsten Weeks, DAI

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity Household Production – What do we mean? –Includes household gardening, agriculture, livestock and horticulture, micro-business support, understanding markets, vocational training – linked to job placement. –Increase productive assets –Helps household smooth income and expenses and promote asset growth –Help households increase productivity and income.

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity Program Experience - Urban Gardens Program (UGP) – Ethiopia –Introduced household, community and school gardens across 136 Community garden sites; 188 school garden sites. Program Experience as a technical assistance provider IMARISHA – Tanzania; and HICD/R - Rwanda –Providing technical assistance to PEPFAR supported home-based care and OVC partners

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity UGP Approach Blend of: Participatory, training and learning “Garden Dialogues” to promote agriculture; Technology: (drip-kits, grow-bags/plasic boxes); and group savings.

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity UGP Challenges Push for high targets and rapid graduation of participants – one year of support Challenges of land tenure Gender inequities

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity UGP Lessons Learned through Implementation Need to adapt technology and approach –Grow-bags due to land insecurity – evolved into plastic box solutions. –Drip-kits – seen as “the answer” evolved into a potential tool for water management, but not “the tool.” –Need to modify traditional farmer-field school model to be more female friendly and peer- oriented vs vertical extension approach

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity UGP Results Improved horticulture knowledge Improved land management (from an access perspective) – Increased land access for participants, as well as a 2012 Urban Agriculture Policy and Implementation Plan for Addis Ababa Reduced Self-stigma and increased reported self- confidence among participants Increased reports of dietary diversity among program participants

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity UGP Post-Project Lessons Community gardens continued School gardens did not continue without ongoing support Need to extend the time of support for participants to ensure uptake of learning Need to improve soil management

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity Technical Assistance Experience: Lessons from the Data One solution alone isn’t part of the answer, but agriculture is part of the solution

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity Challenges Facing HBC / OVC Implementers Push for high targets and rapid graduation of participants Gender inequities Unclearly defined approaches to economic strengthening and agriculture in particular Understanding home based care and OVCs doesn’t always translate to understanding agriculture or economic strengthening

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity Lessons Learned through Implementation Need for ongoing rather than one-off support Need to move beyond output to outcome monitoring for agricultural behaviors Need to be realistic of the results we promise.

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity Questions for Group Discussion How should we define results of integrating household agriculture within HIV programming? What factors do we need to consider to design more effective household agriculture activities for HIV programs?

Harnessing the Power of Cross-sectoral Programming to Alleviate HIV/AIDS and Food Insecurity Questions for Group Discussion How can we better leverage non-health resources to support cross sectoral programming for HIV and food insecurity?