4/29/20151Cosenors - BentleyOverview Physics of Proton-rich Nuclei in the UK Mike Bentley (Univ. of York, UK) Physics of Proton-rich Nuclei in the UK Mike.


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Presentation transcript:

4/29/20151Cosenors - BentleyOverview Physics of Proton-rich Nuclei in the UK Mike Bentley (Univ. of York, UK) Physics of Proton-rich Nuclei in the UK Mike Bentley (Univ. of York, UK) Outline: Recent Highlights: RISING physics at GSI Isospin studies at MSU Shapes and Symmetries (JYFL) Prospects: Short term developments Future facilities Outline: Recent Highlights: RISING physics at GSI Isospin studies at MSU Shapes and Symmetries (JYFL) Prospects: Short term developments Future facilities

How well does Isospin symmetry hold as A or T z is increased? Limits of nuclear existence rp-process near the drip line Evolution of nuclear shapes n-p pairingOverview

4/29/2015 Cosenors - Bentley3 Current facilities (not exhasutive) JYFL – Jurogam + RITU + GREAT (recoil decay tagging) ANL – Gammasphere + FMA (recoil tagging) GSI – RISING stopped beam campaign (decay spectroscopy) REX-ISOLDE – Miniball (Coulex of exotic beams)Overview

RISING Rare Isotopic Spectroscopic GSI = 15 x Cluster germaniums for (the most) exotic gamma-ray spectroscopy Example: RISING at GSI

Chemically independent production mechanism for secondary radioactive beams. Time of flight from production to stopper ~x00ns. Some ions transmitted in metastable states. Fragment Separator (FRS) Focal Pane ID Stopped RISING Example: RISING at GSI

A.B. Garnsworthy et al., Phys. Lett. B660, 326 (2008) Example: RISING at GSI

Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute: May NSCL Experiment #5117, March × 10 6 pps (70% 56 Ni) 188 mg/cm 2 Be 10pnA 58 Ni 600 mg/cm2 Be target S800 Spectrograph Example: Fragmentation at MSU

4/29/2015 Cosenors - Bentley11 S800 – Fragment ID Z A/Q Drip line J.R. Brown et al. (YORK) in prep (2008) Example: Fragmentation at MSU

4/29/2015 Cosenors - Bentley12 First spectrsocopy of N=Z-3 nuclei above 33 Ar 53 Mn 53 Ni 49 V 49 Fe J.R. Brown et al. (YORK) in prep (2008) Example: Fragmentation at MSU

4/29/2015 Cosenors - Bentley13 J.R. Brown et al. (YORK) in prep (2008) Observed A=54 MED Expected MED (2 holes) Decreasing overlap of two nucleons coupled to increasing spin J Charge Symmetry Breaking – spin dependence (J=2 Anomaly) Example: Fragmentation at MSU

Recoil decay tagging at Jyvaskyla JUROGAM RITU Gas-filled recoil separator Transmission % GREAT Focal plane spectrometer TDR Total Data Readout Triggerless data acquisition system with 10 ns time stamping Example: Recoil Decay Tagging at Jyvaskyla

Recoil-β-tagging using GREAT  Useful for odd-odd N=Z, A> and N<Z nuclei in this region.  Fermi super allowed  decays,  ~10’s of ms half lives, ~10 MeV end point energies A.N. Steer et al, NIM A 565, 630(2006) Example: Recoil Decay Tagging at Jyvaskyla

B S Nara Singh et al, PRC (R) Y Results T 1/2 = 47 (5) ms 74 Rb 78 Y Example: Recoil Decay Tagging at Jyvaskyla

Neutron-proton pairing effects ? Shape-changing effects ? Example: Recoil Decay Tagging at Jyvaskyla

4/29/2015 Cosenors - Bentley18 Next in-beam campaign at GSI... PRESPEC – spokesperson MAB ADVERT

4/29/2015 Cosenors - Bentley19 Future facilities (not exhasutive) HIE-ISOLDE FAIR – HISPEC (in-beam) and DESPEC (decay spectroscopy) SPIRAL2 – in-beam reactions with exotic ions, or use of high- intensity LINAC beams Future facilities for p-rich nuclei

4/29/2015 Cosenors - Bentley20