Cultivating Calling
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet Frederick Buechner
There is an old Christian tradition that God sends each person into this world with a special message to deliver, with a song to sing for others, with a special act of love to bestow. No one else can speak my message, or sing my song, or offer my act of love. These are only entrusted to me. There is an old Christian tradition that God sends each person into this world with a special message to deliver, with a song to sing for others, with a special act of love to bestow. No one else can speak my message, or sing my song, or offer my act of love. These are only entrusted to me. Francis Dewar
No human soul is like any other human soul, and therefore the love of God for any human soul is infinite, for no other human soul can satisfy the same need in God
Stories of Calling
It doesn’t happen round here… Sam's story
Stories of journeying who knows where…… Abraham’s Calling Gen
Discerning Gifts
Clues to God’s calling There are some common experiences of the ways in which God may be at work prompting us…..
What is all this?
I must
Bad fit?
Callings to formal ministries Only God can save the Church, and yet God has, from the beginning, chosen to do that by choosing certain people and asking them to lead. Sometimes the asking is spectacular - burning bushes, descending doves… - but far more often it is as ordinary as someone saying “Have you ever thought about becoming a minister? I think you would be good at that.” Only God can save the Church, and yet God has, from the beginning, chosen to do that by choosing certain people and asking them to lead. Sometimes the asking is spectacular - burning bushes, descending doves… - but far more often it is as ordinary as someone saying “Have you ever thought about becoming a minister? I think you would be good at that.” Barbara Brown Taylor
Some Resources Website – vocations resources which include: Resources for Group Work On-line tools Worship Resources
Some Resources Sermons & Bible Studies Reading Materials Poems, quotes and Inspirations Web Links
Some Resources The ‘Called’ Team ‘Called’ Days and annual vocations day Annual Vocations Sunday Invitations Resources
Taking it further together Some courses – eg Lent or Advent courses Some courses – eg Lent or Advent courses Three Colours of Ministry Three Colours of Ministry Cultivating a Mentoring approach Cultivating a Mentoring approach Developing a culture of telling our stories Developing a culture of telling our stories Develop your own….! Develop your own….! And questions arising… And questions arising…