WaterWise The Easy Container Watering Kit 2010/2011
Makes Watering Multiple Planters Quick & Easy
Contents A 30-foot Coil Tan-colored Vinyl Tubing One Faucet Adapter On Back Flow Prevention Valve Three Barbed Crosses Ten Barbed Tees Ten ½ GPH Pressure Compensating Drippers Ten Support Stakes Ten Nail Clamps
It comes complete This kit contains everything you need to easily water up to ten container plants or 30 feet of landscape beds from a single faucet. It's simple to use WaterWise isn’t like other drip systems where you have to purchase tubing, emitters, clamps, etc. and try to match up the individual parts on your own. Everything you need to is in one kit, and the step-by- step instructions make set-up simple.the step-by- step instructions It saves time and water By using drippers instead of spray heads, our kit requires no adjusting of water flow. Once you set it up, the watering takes care of itself, and that means better plant growth, time savings, and water conservation. Why WaterWise?
It blends with the landscape The tan color of the tubing in the Proven Winners WaterWise kit is pleasing to the eye and blends into landscapes better than traditional black tubing. The tan color matches decks, mulch, etc. It’s versatile Up to three kits can be combined in a single direction to water up to 30 containers or 90 feet of landscape beds from one faucet. It’s reliable The parts in the Proven Winners WaterWise kit are of the highest quality. Tubing is easy to cut and fit and will not kink as other drip tubes do. Plus, the valves, adapters, and drip emitters have barbed outlets to ensure a secure, strong fit with the vinyl tubing. Why WaterWise?
Use WaterWise for Baskets & Patio Pots