Marketing automation is the technology that allows companies to streamline, automate, and measure marketing tasks and workflows so they can increase operational efficiency and grow revenue faster Marketing Automation Nurturing, Prioritizing, and Recycling Leads to Convert More Leads into Revenue INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Insert slides into your company template. 2. Update marketing metrics where noted and delete purple boxes when finalized.
Executive Summary The B2B Buyer has changed: need to pro- actively engage around educational topics Leads need to be nurtured until they are sales-ready Sales & Marketing need to be aligned more closely, creating a seamless buying process There is an opportunity to turn marketing into a revenue driver rather than a cost center Marketing automation provides a dramatic ROI: many benefits, low risk, modest investment 2 “Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales ready leads at a 33% lower cost”
The Changing B2B Buyer Buyers are seeking and finding more information on their own—they’re in control There is an information abundance and we have to be heard through the noise To drive revenue, marketers must become more adept at identifying sales-ready leads and nurturing the remainder Companies need to interact with prospects early in the sales process, by providing relevant information in the early stages of the buying process A recent report from Forrester found: “Buyers seek out 3 pieces of content about a vendor for every 1 piece sent by a marketer, and for every 1 piece sent from sales” 3
The Leaky Funnel Poorly defined customer segments Flawed lead qualification standards Slow or no follow-up from sales Lack of process No sales and marketing alignment 4
Plugging the Leak Identify our buyer and understand the buying journey Map sales and marketing practices to the buying journey Use marketing automation integrated with CRM to deliver the right content to our buyer at the right time Create lead scoring and nurturing programs that enable us to hand off warmer leads to sales Measure and adapt based on testing 5
Increase Productivity With Automation Run more campaigns without expanding the marketing team Create more consistent follow-up Example: automate event campaigns, including invitations, reminders, follow- up and reporting. 6
More Qualified Leads with Lead Nurturing Goal: Increase the number of sales opportunities & deal size and reduce cost per qualified lead “79% of marketing leads never convert into sales. Lack of nurturing is the common cause of this poor performance”—MarketingSherpa “Done right, lead nurturing can result in 50% more sales qualified leads at a 33% lower cost”—Marketo Benchmark 7 “Nurtured leads produce, on average, a 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured leads”
The Value of Lead Nurturing Lead Nurturing helps turn more inquiries into qualified leads and decreases cost per qualified lead Conversion: Inquiry to Qualified Lead Cost per Inquiry Cost per Qualified Lead Without Nurturing 27%$50$206 With Nurturing 40%$50$ Source: actual data from software vendor 8
Increase Sales Effectiveness Improved Lead Quality = Increased Sales Productivity Prioritize leads based on quality and urgency Let sales send leads back to marketing for further nurturing, preventing leads that just "sit" somewhere Provide comprehensive lead activity history for sales 9 “46% of marketers with mature lead management processes have sales teams that follow up on more than 75% of marketing- generated leads”.
The Value of Lead Scoring With good info on lead prioritization, reps spend more time selling and less time 10
Turn Marketing Into a Revenue Driver Show that marketing is a revenue driver, not a cost center. Optimize ROI Improve marketing's accountability by proving marketing’s impact on revenue Improve Revenue Performance: – Conversion rates – Time in a particular stage (velocity) 11
The Value of Marketing Automation 12
Marketing Automation ROI 13 Investment in Marketing Automation pays itself back quickly Most mature users of marketing automation achieve 32% greater revenue versus their plan than average companies – and 79% more than the least mature companies.
Steps to Take to Improve Lead Nurturing Improving Lead Nurturing In Place: Monthly Newsletter Generic content (whitepapers, webinars, blog posts) To Implement: Drip campaigns Content based on buyer profile and buying stage Automation of marketing campaigns (including Trigger-based nurturing) Integration of lead nurturing with CRM data and CRM activity A/B Testing Using social data Adjust this slide for your situation noting what you have in place, then remove this purple bar. 14
Improving Sales Productivity In Place: Automatically assign new leads to sales people To Implement: Lead Scoring based on profile and activity Prioritized lead list for sales Lead Activity Monitoring with real-time alerts Lead activity history in CRM system ( clicks, web visits, registrations) Adjust this slide for your situation noting what you have in place, then remove this purple bar 15 Steps to Improve Sales Productivity
Improving Sales & Marketing Analytics In Place: Reporting on lead volume To Implement: Lead conversion rates Pipeline velocity (how fast leads flow through the funnel) Percentage of the pipeline that is Marketing- sourced Percentage of the pipeline that is Marketing- influenced Adjust this slide for your situation noting what you have in place, then remove this purple bar 16 Steps to Improve Insight into Sales and Marketing Effectiveness
Getting Started / Next Steps These are suggested stages for marketing automation implementation. Revise where appropriate. Advanced Assessment and Continued Development Identify “hits” and “misses” Develop additional content resources for lead generation Test and optimize s and landing pages for various segments Create advanced, automated, trigger-based campaigns for more segments Marketing Automation Strategy Development Select and implement marketing automation solution Develop preliminary lead scoring strategy Define high-value segments in database Create standard set of automated, trigger-based campaigns for key segments Initial Assessment Identify current successes and areas for improvement Begin evaluating marketing automation software Begin developing list of feature requirements 0 3 months STAGE 1STAGE 2STAGE 3 17
Summary Marketing automation benefits More innovation Greater scalability Enhanced targeting Increase conversion Increase marketing productivity Improve lead nurturing Increase sales effectiveness More visibility into key analytics Turn marketing into a revenue driver 18 Adjust this slide for your situation and then remove this purple bar.
Powerful and easy marketing software Sales insights and sales effectiveness Analytics to measure, optimize, and forecast the revenue cycle Thought leadership, best practices, customer success Social marketing capabilities to amplify your reach 2000 global customers and counting!