NMOOP Implementation in NE-states Orientation Workshop of NMOOP & NFSM for NE-States 10 th & 11 th November 2014 Guwahati, Assam
MM-II (Oil Palm) MM-I (Oilseeds) MM-III (TBOs) NMOOP
BE & Release of NMOOP BE (Regular)Release (Rs. In Crore) State NE State Agency TOTAL
Crops under NMOOP MM-I SoybeanGroundnut Rapeseed & MustardSunflower SafflowerNiger SesameCastor Linseed MM-IIOil Palm MM-III JatrophaKaranja NeemSimarouba MahuaKokum TungWild Apricot Jojoba Cheura Olive
NMOOP in NE states during Mini Mission (MM)Implementing NE-States MM I (Oilseeds)Assam, Nagaland, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Sikim (6 states) MM II (Oil Palm)Arunachal Pradesh,Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland (5 states) MM III (TBOs)Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Tripura, Meghalaya(4 states)
NMOOP allocation of NE states ( ) States Approved Allocation (Rs. In Lakh) Release (Rs. In Lakh) MM IMM IIMM IIITotal Assam Arunachal Pradesh Mizoram Manipur Meghalaya Nagaland Sikkim Tripura TOTAL
Major components of NMOOP in NE states Mini Mission ActivityAllocation (Rs. In Lakh) % of total allocation MM I (Oilseeds) Production & Distribution of Certified seeds Seed infra structure development PP chemicals, micronutrients, PP equipments Supply of water carrying pipes Demonstration of improved technology Training of farmers/officers Farm implements MME/Flexi funds Planting materials Cultivation cost Water harvesting structure Others ( intercropping, vermi compost, machinery, demonstrations, training etc.) MM III (TBOs) Plantation of TBOs (ha) Intercropping with TBOs (ha) Training of farmers (Nos) MM II (Oil Palm)
Oil seed scenario in NE states (Av of to ) Assam Tripura CropsArea (ha)Production (tones) Yield (kg/ha) National Av. Yield Castor Niger Sesame R & M Linseed CropsArea (ha) Production (tones) Yield (kg/ha) National Av. Yield Groundnut Sesame R & M
Oil seed scenario in NE states (Av of to ) Nagaland CropsArea (ha) Production (tones) Yield (kg/ha) National Av. Yield Castor Groundnut Sesame R & M Linseed Sunflower Soybean Total DES data for other states not available States may take n/a for inclusion in DES statistics
Oilseeds area target for NE states StatesPresent area (ha) Additional area (ha) CropsStrategies Assam2,50,00026,000R&M, Sesame, Oil palm 1.Rice fallow 2. Intercropping with Oil pam and other plantation crops. 3.Diversification of up land rice 4.Block Demonstrations/ FLDs Arunachal PradeshNA6600R&M, Oil Palm MizoramNA4000Oil Plam ManipurNA5000 MeghalayaNA2000Oil Palm/TBOs Nagaland ,500Soybean, R&M, Linseed, Oil Palm SikimNA2000R&M Tripura G.nut, Sesame, R&M TOTAL
Crop wise additional area CropsStatesAdditional area (ha) Rapeseed & MustardAll states33,000 LinseedAssam, Nagaland6,000 SesameAll states7,000 NigerAssam3,000 GroundnutAll states except Sikkim3,000 SoybeanAll states6,000 Oil PalmAll states9100 Total67100
Requirement of Planting materials for oil Palm StatesPotential area (ha) Area covered so far (ha) Targeted area (ha) Requirement of Planting materials no) Availability (no) Assam25, ,50,000Nursery established Arunachal Pradesh 25, ,40,000Nursery established Mizoram61, ,00, Meghalaya50, ,50,000Nursery yet to be established Nagaland50, ,25,000Nursery established Tripura Total2,18,00020, ,65,00010,57,000 Manipur, Tripura and Sikim are not implementing Oil Palm programme
Target of Minikit Distribution by Central agencies in NE states during kharif -15 CropsNo of Minikits Approximate area (ha) Seed Weight (qtls) Estimated cost (Rs. In lakh) Rapeseed & Mustard (2 kg) 20, Linseed (2 kg) Sesame (1 kg) Niger (1 kg) Groundnut (20 kg) Soybean (8 kg) TOTAL30,
Modification in NMOOP Guidelines DecisionsDate of communication Change of subsidy on planting material of oil palm 9 th April 2014 Continuation of need based staff for one year 5 th June 2014 Inclusion of SFAC as central agency5 th June 2014 Relaxation of age limit for soybean variety JS th June, 2014
Changes under NMOOP Guidelines Details of the changesDate of communication Local initiative component has been changed to Mission Management Expenses (MME) from 1% to 5% of total allocation. F.No.1-6/2013 OS(TMOP)dated 17/ 6 /14 vide page 40/ entry. Use of Sulphur notified in FCO including 90% powder (FCO grade) instead of Sulphur 80% WDG under MM-I of under NMOOP Letter No.2-12/2014-MM-I(OS) dated 11/9/14 Deletion of words “and Taiwan” under the Guidelines of NMOOP. Letter No. 1-6/2013- OS (TMOP) Dated 12/9/14 Change of size of seed storage bins under the Guidelines of 25% of the cost limited to a maximum of Rs. 1000/- per bin of 1 to 10 qtls. capacity.)” Letter No. 1-6/2013- OS(TMOP) dated 12/9/14 Deletion of word “NCIPM or NCIPM Model” under the Guidelines of NMOOP. Letter No.1-6/2013-OS(TMOP) dated 15/10/14
Action at state Level Constitution of Standing Committee & SALMOT at State level and PMT at District level. Engagement of TSG at State level Releases of state matching share Release of fund to district level Submission of Monthly/Quarterly progress Report Regular monitoring by Mission Director & PMT Opening of Separate head under SC/ST Use of Flexi funds & MME Base line survey & Concurrent evaluation Seed production & distribution plan for next 3 years Timely placement of indent for seed minikit
Frontier Technologies (Oilseeds) Sprinkler in Groundnut Poly mulch in Groundnut Paired row intercropping P.Pea G.nut BBF in Soybean Castor intercropped with G.nut FFS on Sesame Hybrid Sunflower
Frontier Technologies (Oil Palm) Seed Garden Oil Palm Plantation Maintenance of Garden Planting material Oil Palm Mill (3F) Drip Irrigation Oil Palm Mill (Godrej) Plantation in NE states FFB
Oil Pam Mill of Godrej Agriovet inaugurated on 28 th Oct 2014 by Hon ble CM of Mizoram