Plant Diseases and Insect Pests Disease - any kind of injurious abnormality Physiological (environment) Other living organisms (pathogens) Pathogen - biological agent that causes the injury Insects Bacteria Fungi Viruses Nematodes Miscellaneous
Plant Diseases and Insect Pests Parasite - an organism that derives nourishment from another living organism Host - an organism that provides nourishment to another Obligate parasite - organism that can only survive on the living host Host range - list of several different plants that some parasites can feed off of
Plant Diseases and Insect Pests Bacteria - one-celled organisms that enter through wounds and cause rot Fungi - multi-celled organisms that either are saprophytes or parasites. Ex: molds, mildew. Cause decay of plants
Bacterial rot/wilt
Fireblight on an apple
Bacterial disease control? Start with clean pots & potting media & tools Start with clean seed or healthy transplants Use drip irrigation or water in the morning so the extra water on the surface of the leaves evaporates by evening Antibiotics now exist for injecting into trees but treatment is costly and the effects temporary. There are no antibiotic spray treatments.
Fungal rots
Fungus on foliage
Fungal disease control? Start with clean pots & potting media & tools Start with clean seed or healthy transplants Use drip irrigation or water in the morning so the extra water on the surface of the leaves evaporates by evening Fungicides do exist. They can be used as a liquid drench, spray or powder.
Captan & Thiram = synthetic fungicides
Plant Diseases and Insect Pests Viruses - infectious particles made-up of nucleic acids (typically RNA in plants) with a protein coat. In the plant cell, the protein coat comes off and the RNA uses the plant cell to reproduce itself. These are obligate parasites.
Virus Tobacco Mosaic Virus
No control methods!
Plant Diseases and Insect Pests Nematodes - unsegmented worms that feed on roots and create wounds for bacteria and fungi to enter
Nematode damage on tomato
Nematode damage on tomato
Nematode damage on carrot
Foliar nematodes Hosta Zinnia
How Plants are Damaged Damage by: Direct feeding Secretion of toxic substances Secondary organism enters the wound Symptom - plant’s response to attack (wilt) Sign - structures produced by the attacking organism (webs, tunnels, etc.)
Symptom = wilt
Webbing = sign
Spread of Insects and Disease Diseases and insects are spread to plants by: Water Wind Insects Animals (including people) Ex: TMV Machinery Plants are more susceptible to disease and insect attack when they are stressed (water or temperature)