Welcome to EESAP State Level Annual Event - 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to EESAP State Level Annual Event

Environmental Education in Schools of Andhra Pradesh (EESAP) An overview CEE Centre for Environment Education

► A project of Centre for Environment Education (CEE) a national institution supported by MoEF as Centre of Excellence in EE ► Project supported by Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT) and District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) / Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) ► Started in year 2000 Background

Objectives of EESAP phase II ► Sustaining the programme initiated in the first phase with a strong community involvement ► Initiating a teacher-centered strategy in the existing cluster model ► Initiating a wider outreach for environmental education to all the upper primary schools in the state

Objectives for school environmental education ► Strengthen EE in schools through socially relevant and scientifically sound action oriented approach ► Involve students in collection of information that will contribute to planning the management of natural resources at the micro level ► Involve schools in community awareness and action on improved management of natural resources so as to contribute to sustainable livelihoods in the community ► Ensure participation of local bodies in the environmental education programme

Methodology ► Implementing EE in a co-curricular approach (linked to curriculum, activity- based learning, community involvement) for 6 th and 7 th standards in government schools ► Follows cluster approach. Cluster is a unit comprising of a NGO (and the School Complex) and schools in a geographically contiguous area. Follow-up support channeled through the cluster

EESAP process Training of teacher trainers Manual on Environmental Education activities Implementation of activities by EESAP teachers with students Follow-up support to teachers by NGO/CEE Community participation CEE Facilitated by Department of Education Annual events in schools Cluster Level Review meetings State Level Annual Event Community participation Follow-up support to teachers by NGO/CEE Discussion and review of EE activities by EESAP teachers in School Complexes Facilitated by Department of Education Issue of guidelines on EE implementation by teacher trainers to School Complexes Facilitated by Department of Education

► 329 EESAP schools started conducting EE activities since the beginning of academic year without any intimation from NGO or CEE ► 91% of schools have organized EE activities (average per school = 6, range = 2 to 16) Implementation of EE in schools

► Compost pits are present in 421 schools who did this activity and on an average, 1 compost pit has been developed in the village whose school has done this activity. ► 1359 families of 185 villages are using Neem oil as mosquito repellant including families from 18 non-EESAP villages due to the NGO’s efforts.

Implementation of EE in schools ► Community members of 671 EESAP villages have been repaired leaking taps as a result of ‘Every Drop Counts’ activity ► 354 farmers of 129 EESAP villages are using bucket drip system of irrigation by getting information from schools during School Level Annual Event

► In 10% EESAP schools, the VO/SHG leader has approached the EESAP teacher to discuss about EE activities being implemented in the schools ► 100% of the activities conducted in schools had involvement of Sarpanch, Self Help Groups and Youth members. This was in terms of financial and material support. Outreach to community institutions

Key observations ► Community involvement (parents of students, VOs, SHGs, youth groups) was seen in 91% of EE activities conducted this year ► 39% EESAP teachers have put in efforts to make the message of the EE activity (as given in manual) reach the community by organising special meetings, rallies, cultural programmes, etc.

Recognition to EESAP teachers ► EESAP teachers have been selected for various awards at state and national level this year by presenting EESAP activities at science congress, etc.

Future plan ► Sustain the EE activities in EESAP schools leading to increased school level actions ► Set up institutional mechanisms (like eco – clubs with 6th and 7th standard students) ► More number of intensive clusters ► Capacity building of selected EESAP teachers (Fellowship programme) ► Parallel EE programmes in EESAP schools (Developing herbal garden in schools)