Lupe Galvan 5/ Passion Project
My Name is Lupe Galvan. I am a 9 th grade student at Da Vinci Design. I take an art and design course where we have learned photoshop, color theory, art history, and elements & principles of art. Hello
❖ Canvas Materials ❖ Crayons ❖ Hair Dryer & Glue Gun ❖ Saran Wrap ❖ Black Markers ❖ Tape
Draw a silhouette at the bottom of your canvas with the black markers. Step 1
Grab your glue gun and stick your crayons on the top of the canvas. Step 2
Cover your drawing with saran wrap and tape the wrap down. Step 3
Start melting the crayon with the hair dryer. Try to point the dryer downwards so it can drip. Step 4
Finish off by adding any finishing touches. Step 5