Cheek to Cheek Lab Animal Cells
Making a Wet Mount Slide 1.Use dropper to place a drop of water on center of slide. 2.Take a toothpick and carefully scrape the inside of your cheek to obtain some cells.
3.Gently stir the toothpick in the drop of water and then THROW IT AWAY! Carefully, add 1 drop of stain to the slide.
4. Gently touch the cover slip to the edge of the drop of water to cover the specimen & the water.
5. Using the paper towel, carefully blot the slide. This will remove excess stain and water. 6. Observe the slide under low power.
Cheek Cell Photos Cheek Cell Photo Unstained
Cheek Cell Photos Cheek Cell Photo 4x
Cheek Cell Photos Cheek Cell Photo 40x nucleus cytoplasm cell membrane