Polyplacophora Gastropoda Bivalvia Scaphopoda Cephalopoda Phylum Mollusca Polyplacophora Gastropoda Bivalvia Scaphopoda Cephalopoda Phylum Mollusca
Molluscs Have adapted to a wide variety of habitats Terrestrial, marine, benthic, and accomplished swimmers. Phylum Mollusca
The Molluscan Body Plan The body plan is similar and distinct from all other phyla The Mollusca body plan includes: A large muscular foot A radula Mantle and mantle cavity Usually a small head Soft unsegmented body A hard non-living calcareous shell Phylum Mollusca
The Foot Phylum Mollusca
The Radula Radula Some molluscs have a rod of digestive enzymes (crystalline style) in the stomach Phylum Mollusca
The Mantle The mantle is the body wall that enclose the body cavity Phylum Mollusca
The Mantle Cavity Houses the viscera and comb-like molluscan gills Ctenidia are respiratory in function and can collect food particles Mantle cavity also is the site for reproductive, excretory, and digestive systems Phylum Mollusca
Taxonomic Summary Phylum Mollusca Class Polyplacophora Class Gastropoda Subclass Prosobranchia Subclass Opisthobranchia Class Bivalvia Class Scaphopoda Class Cephalopoda Phylum Mollusca
Class Polyplacophora Defining characteristics Chitons Shell forms as a series of 7 to 8 separate plates Chitons Phylum Mollusca
Chiton Lifestyles Found close to shore mainly in the intertidal where they live on hard substrates Phylum Mollusca
Chiton Anatomy Phylum Mollusca
Ingestion and Digestion Radula is used to scrape algae from the rocks Mouth is anterior and anus is posterior; linear digestive tract Phylum Mollusca
Reproduction Reproduction Sexes are separate with fertilization occurring in the water column Trochophore larvae Free swimming which settles and metamorphoses into an adult Phylum Mollusca
Local Representative Eastern Beaded Chiton (Chaetopleura apiculata) Occurs subtidally on old shells Phylum Mollusca