Handling ink for offset presses review.
Follow all __________ precautions
Follow all safety precautions
Follow all precautions
Follow all cleanliness precautions
the ink can
Open the ink can
Scrape off and discard _____________ ink, discarding wastes appropriately
Scrape off and discard contaminated ink, discarding wastes appropriately
Use ____ ______ to remove ink from can by rotating can and scraping off top layer of ink
Use Ink Knife to remove ink from can by rotating can and scraping off top layer of ink
_______ ink knife to keep ink on the blade
Rotate ink knife to keep ink on the blade
________ ____ on to fountain roller while turning fountain roller with lever or knob
Transfer Ink on to fountain roller while turning fountain roller with lever or knob
_________ _____ from fountain with ink knife, moving from ends of roller to the center
Remove ink from fountain with ink knife, moving from ends of roller to the center
_______ ____ to can by scraping ink into can at one spot
Return ink to can by scraping ink into can at one spot
_______ ___ into can by rotating can and pressing ink down with knife. 10.
Flatten ink into can by rotating can and pressing ink down with knife. 10.
_______ edges of can with rag, and close can 11.
Clean edges of can with rag, and close can 11.
Clean _____ _____, and discard all ink rags, ink residue, and gloves properly. 12.
Clean work area, and discard all ink rags, ink residue, and gloves properly. 12.
Why is it important to keep the work area clean? More Questions...
Why is it important to keep the work area clean? Because others will be working in the area and good jobs can be damaged. More Questions...
What is the most important step in this whole process? More Questions...
What is the most important step in this whole process? Following safety procedures. More Questions...
Describe benefits of keeping the cans clean? More Questions...
Describe benefits of keeping the cans clean? Labels can be read, lids can be opened, contamination can be reduced. More Questions...
Name the biggest problem that might happen if the can is not sealed properly? More Questions...
Name the biggest problem that might happen if the can is not sealed properly? The ink will dry out. More Questions...
Setting INK KEYS, for ink density control for each job. next.