Coal Petroleum Natural Gas
Fossil fuels are not renewable! So, don’t waste them!
Ask an adult to change the lights in your home!
1 of these 10 of these lasts as long as
If every home in America replaced the 9 most frequently used incandescent light bulbs with ones that have earned the ENERGY STAR, we would save close to $9 billion.
60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours x 365 days = 31,536,000 seconds in a year. 9,000,000,000 / 31,536,000 = 285.4
60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours x 365 days = 31,536,000 seconds in a year. 9,000,000,000 / 31,536,000 = So, if I had $9 billion, I could give you $1 every second for over 285 years!
A 5 minute shower with a low- flow shower head uses: 7 ½ gallons of water!
A bathtub uses:
A bathtub uses: 24?
Some bathtubs use: Up to 40 gallons of water!
Compared to: A 5 minute shower with a low- flow shower head uses:
By turning off the water while you brush your teeth, 5 gallons of water can be saved each morning and night !
Adults can save too!
1)During the cold winter months, where warm clothes and use blankets. 2)The recommended temperature for your home is 68° when it is occupied and 65° at night when you are asleep and under your blankets. Turn it down even lower if nobody is home for several days. 3)Quickly shut doors to keep out the cold!
1)Turn lights off when you leave a room. 2)Allow the sun to light a room and leave light switches off. 3)Have an adult change light bulbs to energy efficient ones.
1)Don’t leave the refrigerator door open. 2)Scrape dishes clean instead of rinsing them in the sink before putting them into the dishwasher. And only wash full loads. 3)Use the microwave instead of the stove to heat food and drink. 4)Dry clothes outside whenever possible. If the dryer is used, make sure the lint is cleaned out before every cycle. 5)Turn the TV off when not being used. 6)Best of all, play outside!
1)Insulation is like a blanket for your house in the winter. The more you have the warmer your home will stay. 2)Insulation also keeps the heat out in the summer. 3)During the winter months, open curtains to let the sun in to help warm your house. In the summer, close the curtains where the sun is shining in to keep your home cooler.