Shield Yourself From Infection Ms. Bailey
Ways to Protect Against Infection Avoid people with colds or the flu. Bathe daily and gently dry your skin. Use lotion to help prevent cracks in your skin. Prevent cuts or scrapes, which can provide places for infection to enter your body. Handle sharp objects with caution. Wear protective gloves when appropriate. If you get a cut or scrape, cover it with a clean bandage until it heals. Always wash your hands with soap and plenty of water to avoid transmission of infection through things that you touch.
Your Best Protection will always be….
Keeping Your Skin Clean Your skin weighs 8 to 10 pounds. Your skin is 22 feet long The skin protects against injury, infection, heat, cold, and stores fats and vitamins.
Some Ways You Are Able to Keep Your Skin Clean Taking a bath daily Washing your hair to prevent head lice Wearing clean clothes each day Washing Your Hands –Before and after each meal –Handling an unknown object –After each bathroom use
What procedure is the most effective way to prevent infection among the list we just discussed?
Hands Down, it’s got to be Handwashing According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "handwashing is the single most important procedure for preventing the spread of infection."
Healthy, Clean Skin = Germ Barrier Washing your hands is an excellent way of aiding the skin barrier that germs are forced to pass through in order to reach the inside of your body. You are aiding the skin by washing off dead skin cells that may hold dangerous toxins. The body needs to be thoroughly cleaned each day to prevent infection and the smell of odors.
Proper Handwashing Procedure ( WRITE THIS DOWN) Step1- Turn on water, preferably warm, or comfortable temperature to rinse hands before applying soap. Step2- Use approximately a dime sized of liquid soap. Step3- Lather and rub hands together for at least 20 seconds or sing “Happy Birthday” song twice. Step4- Be sure to wash well between fingers and under nails, although using a nail brush is not necessary. Step5- Rinse soap off hands. Step6 –Using two paper towels, dry hands completely. Step7- Turn off faucet with paper towels, then discard the towel in the garbage can.
Evaluation Complete the test being handed out to the best of your ability. Read each question slowly and try not to rush. Good Luck!
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