Beekeeping “ Enormously rewarding”
What is Beekeeping? Beekeeping is Applied Bee Biology Beekeeping is Anticipation not merely reaction Beekeeping is Colony Population Management
What is Beekeeping? Beekeeping is Science &Art
Beekeeping – the real KEY! Timing is everything! Peak population & Nectar flow hit the target at the same time. Maximum honey flow.
Bees do not need daily care. Manage colonies Manage colonies intensively intensively or orextensively
Beekeeping History Moveable Comb Hive
Beekeeping Basics Knowledge of bee science Knowledge of bee botany Familiarity with modern agriculture Some elementary economics Tolls & ability to work with wood Ability to keep vehicles running Fortitude to take bee stings
Bee Stings 101 They HURT and.... we REACT we REACT
Normal Reaction
Bee Stings 201 Normal Reaction Allergic Reaction ► widespread, rapid swelling ► widespread, rapid swelling ► itching of body ► disorientation feeling ► stomach upset ► oss of consciousness ► Loss of consciousness Toxic Reaction Too many stings at one time
Too Many Stings!!
Bee Stings 401 What to do to avoid being stung..... being stung..... proper clothing smoker best environmental conditions scrape sting out promptly slow movements- no jerking or ‘windmills’ extra care around hive/flowers don’t remove veil too soon keep gentle bee stock
Bee Stings 601