By: Shane Jared N. Greg Connor Modern Humans By: Shane Jared N. Greg Connor
Introduction Many of you might think that Homo Sapien Sapiens looked like chimp-like creatures, but really, they looked just like modern day humans. Throughout this presentation, we will show you images of every day experiences and give you information all about Homo Sapien Sapiens and their struggle to survive. We will give you answers during our presentation and at the end, you will have a quiz, so be ready to keep an eye out for questions that could be in a test!
Dates and Places of Existence B.C. Dates and Places of Existence Homo Sapien Sapiens originated in 30,000 BC to 10,000 BC . It was after the Ice Age when Homo Sapien Sapiens truly began to live. The Homo Sapien Sapiens lived during the Mesolithic Era, which occurred during 10,000 BC – 8,500 BC. The Homo Sapien Sapiens lived in Asia, Australia, and America and began farming, which was a huge accomplishment. Homo Sapien Sapiens built their own homes for shelter during the Ice Age.[1]
Physical Appearance Homo Sapiens look very much like humans do today. The average height for a man was 5’8”. The average height for a woman was 5’3”. The average weight for a man was about 175 pounds and women were about 130 pounds. Homo Sapien Sapiens were very muscular and hairy.[2]
Homes Modern Humans lived along rivers and lakes so they could fish. Their homes during the Ice Age looked like icy teepees. Their winter homes were teepee-style, built with branches and mammoth bones, covered with animals skins. In summer, they built sturdy tents that could be moved around. In all seasons, there were always animal skins covering the huts, tents, or teepees.[3]
Food Homo Sapien Sapiens hunted for game. They hunted many arctic animals, including woolly rhinoceros, woolly Mammoth, and fish. They gathered many different foods such as berries, nuts, grains, and tasty plants. They hunted the game with a bow and arrow. When they began to farm, they grew wheat, barley, millet, and grains.[4]
Daily Life The women had to scrape the hide off a mammoth and prepare dinner. Women also had to clean the huts and keep them tidy for the returning hunters. Some men would paint in the caves. Others would carve different tools for hunting. Men would hunt for many different animals for food and share with their families.[5]
Tools Men used bow and arrows to kill and take down large animals. Some people used rocks to break certain stuff like nuts or grains. They also made tools to use for hunting or breaking bones open to eat. Most of the tools were made with all different kinds of rocks. To tie rocks to wood, Homo Sapien Sapiens would use animal skin, such as leather. For example, with an axe, they would tie the sharpened rock to the end of the wood.[6]
Religion and Ceremony The Homo Sapiens did in fact have religion because their brains were very advanced and were able to process the religious thoughts. A very popular religion during the beginning of the Homo Sapiens was a funeral. Even though the Homo Sapiens were very skilled hunters, they died often and had many funerals. They had many statues of the gods and goddess that they worshiped. They believed that all the stars in the sky were people who once lived on Earth.[7]
Development of Language The Homo Sapiens did have the ability to talk, unlike some earlier species. They also had a different way of communicating by drawing on cave walls. Another way they communicated was by the noises they made. They communicated by a series of grunts and moans. They never really had words until a couple thousand years later.[8]
Fire The modern humans did in fact have fire. They used the fire for cooking their food that they hunted. They collected wood for the fires. They started by striking flint with iron. They would build the fire under their food which was on rocks. They also used fire for heat and light. [9]
Other Interesting Facts The Homo Sapien Sapiens who lived 30,000 years ago are the same people who live today. They had many religious beliefs and very complex reasons for them. They were very good hunters who knew how to handle a big bow. Homo Sapien Sapiens were the first group of people to start farming, making life easier because they didn’t have to travel to find food. Homo Sapien Sapien made the most progress in technology of any early human species.[10]
Conclusion Now you can see that Homo Sapien Sapiens were indeed the wisest of all early human groups. That is why they were named wise, wise man. They had excellent technology, given their materials, and they developed farming, which made their lives much easier and more pleasant. They are the first group to really have time for leisure activities such as religion and art.
Questions What does the name Homo Sapien Sapiens mean and does it suit this group? Name one advancement that made religion and art possible for this group. Did Homo Sapien Sapiens have fire? If so, for what was it used?
Answers Homo Sapien Sapiens means wise, wise man. It is a good name for this group because they were the first to make sophisticated tools, develop complex religion and art, and develop farming. They didn’t have to travel to hunt and gather, so they had more time for other things. Yes, they had fire. They used it to cook, for warmth, for light, and for protection.
Endnotes [1] California Vistas Ancient Civilizations, Macmillan McGraw-Hill, NY, 2007, pp. [2] Facchini, Fiorenzo, “A Day with Homo Sapiens,” Twenty-First Century Books, Connecticut, 2003, pp. 1 - 49. [3]Ibid. [4]Ibid. [5]Ibid. [6]Ibid. [7] Ibid. [8] Kearns, Marsha, “Homo Habilis,” Early Humans, Creative Teaching Press , CA, 1993, pp. [9] “Homo Sapien Sapiens.” Homo Sapien Sapiens. [10]Ibid.
Bibliography California Visits Ancient Civilizations. Macmillan/MacGraw Hill: New York, NY, 2007. Facchini, Fiorenzo. A Day with Homo Sapiens. Books: Connecticut, Twenty-First Century, 2003. “Homo Sapien Sapiens.” Homo Sapien Sapiens. Kearns, Marsha.“Homo Erectus.” Early Humans. Creative Teaching Press: CA, 1993.