By Hank Smith, Daiyaina Mifflin Anaphylactic Shock By Hank Smith, Daiyaina Mifflin
Definition A sudden, severe allergic reaction to a substance Can be fatal
Signs And Symptoms Swelling of the tongue Difficulty breathing or swallowing Wheezing Swelling of face
Sings and Symptoms Cont. Hives Skin redness Cough Unconsciousness Low blood pressure Increases heart rate Dizziness Blue colored skin
Proper Care and Treatment Call 911 immediately If reaction is from a bee, scrape the stinger off the skin Give an injection of epinephrine Avoid oral medication
Prevention Avoid any known triggers that have cause reactions in the past Carry emergency medical medications according to your doctors instructions
Sources PMH0001847/ Accessed on 10/15/12 understanding/Pages/anaphylaxis.aspx