Missouri’s Workforce Performance Scorecard The 5000 Foot View
2 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard What this is How it was done Why it was done Recommendations using the information Changes for future versions Potential application for your area
3 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard This is NOT : details about how Missouri ranks an overview of the statistical process
4 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard What is Missouri’s Workforce System Performance Scorecard? A way to see and know where Missouri ranks in issues regarding the workforce system in relation to the competition. Isn’t competition just in the world of profit?
5 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Competition in the public sector: Between communities/states Between programs/services within a community Due to a finite pot of money, there will always be competition, even if it is subtle.
6 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard The Purpose of the Scorecard As a guide for planning To support tactical decisions Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there. Liars are figurers, but figures don’t lie.
7 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard How was the Scorecard created? Using public information, Missouri’s Scorecard was a product of the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC), as requested by the Missouri Training and Employment Council (MTEC), the state workforce board. Assistance was provided by the Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW).
8 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Sources of information US Census Bureau Bureau of Labor Statistics federal education sources state-specific education sources ETA – through WIA state annual reports
9 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Three major performance categories: 1. Missouri’s Economy 2. Missouri’s Education System 3. Missouri’s Career Centers
10 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Missouri’s Economy: Poverty rate Industry diversity Median household income Wage gain Gross state product New job creation Permanent job loss New business established Unemployment rate Non-violent crime Value of goods & services exported Businesses declaring bankruptcy Total labor force participation
11 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Missouri’s Education System: HS graduation rates HS drop-out rates Education attainment GED attainment Students enrolled in AP classes ACT scores Remediation rates ( reading & math ) Adult literacy rates International math & science scores State test scores for communication arts & math Students completing post-secondary education Students entering post-secondary education
12 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Missouri’s Career Centers: Employers Employer satisfaction Market penetration and cycle time Individuals (job seekers) Customer satisfactionIncreased earnings Entered employment rateMarket penetration Training related credentialsEmployment retention
13 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Some measures indicate a lingering impact from earlier recessions: -poverty rate -median household income Good signs of economic recovery have also been seen in the last few years: *state exports *gross state product
14 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard MTEC’s recommendations: Significant increase in the percentage of citizens who are highly literate (>11 th grade), which indicates basic skills and the capacity to benefit from training Expand participation in literacy programs Strong state support for an education continuum of preschool through higher education Literacy instruction embedded in all adult training programs Promotion of a common workforce readiness credential Career Centers must ID those needing literacy training
15 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Higher ed institutions must support literacy programs for the communities they serve Increased rigor for HS graduation requirements HS graduation must include a nationally recognized work-readiness certification A proactive policy to strengthen teacher preparedness Skills development for adults Expansion of career education and the comm/tech college system Curricula targeted for just-in-time skills for business and industry
16 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Uniform articulation and dual credit mechanisms for degree credit for skill-based education and training Increase the labor force of those traditionally underserved in the labor market (low income, women, ex-offenders, at-risk youth, young minority males, those with disabilities) Interagency effort to link programs for integrated services Responsiveness of community and technical colleges to training needs for business Public awareness campaign to raise aspirations and expectations toward education
17 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Would we be satisfied that “the system” worked for us if we were on the other side of the desk?
18 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard What to do differently next time... Access to additional information? Involve more partners?
19 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard How to apply this kind of a system in your world? W ould this help you? Do you need this comparison process?
20 Missouri’s Performance Scorecard Rose Marie Hopkins Executive Director Missouri Training and Employment Council PO Box 1087 Jefferson City, MO