The Missouri Compromise By: Tyler Cross
Who James Tallmadge tried to pass the amendment prohibiting slavery in Missouri. Henry Clay saw Maine applying for statehood as an opportunity to settle the dispute about Missouri’s statehood in Congress.
What The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was an agreement made by the union that regulated the extension of Slavery in the United States. Under the agreement the territory of Missouri was admitted as a slave state, the territory of Maine was admitted as a free state, and the boundaries of slavery were limited to the same latitude as the southern boundary of Missouri: 36° 30′ north latitude.
When The Missouri Compromise took place in At this time there were 11 free states and 11 slave states. Missouri applied for statehood in 1818 but didn’t become a state till Maine applied for statehood in 1819 and became a state in 1820.
Where The 36°30’ line ran along Missouri’s southern border. If you were below this line all of the states were allowed to have slaves. If you went above the line you were not allowed to have slaves except for Missouri. Once matters were finished with Missouri’s statehood the boundaries of the U.S. expanded out west with no slavery.
Why The issue of slavery had been troublesome since the making of the Constitution. Pro-Slavery states, concerned that they would be outvoted in Congress because their white population was much smaller than that of the free states, turned down the amendment made by James Tallmadge of New York. After this time, when Maine was applying for statehood, Henry Clay made the Missouri Compromise and it passed through the House and Congress. Later though Missouri changed its state constitution to say no African Americans were allowed in Missouri. This was overrun when Henry Clay again took this out of their constitution. Slavery still remained an issue for the U.S. after the Missouri Compromise.
The Five Facts 1. Congress approved the Missouri Compromise in Henry Clay introduced the Missouri Compromise. 3. James Tallmadge introduced the first amendment that later got rejected. 4. The Missouri Compromise stated that Maine would be a free state, Missouri would be a slave state, and no one above the 36°30’ line were allowed to have slaves. 5. Missouri became a state in 1821 after the Missouri Compromise got approved by the government.
The End