Nationalism & Sectionalism Midwest Farms New England Factories Southern Plantations
[ The Northeastern section of the U.S was the most urban and industrialized section in the 1800’s.] A. True B. False
[ The Southern section of the U.S. had a mostly rural economy which produced cash crops without using slaves.] A. True B. False
[ The western section of the U.S. was mostly a rural economy that produced grain by using slave labor.] A. True B. False
American System ► Henry Clay’s plan to increase nationalism * Congress should pass a protective tariff * Congress should recreate Hamilton’s National Bank. National Bank. * Congress should use tax money to build roads & canals roads & canals
[The American System was intended to ensure nationalism.] A. True B. False
The National Road Connected Maryland to Illinois
Erie Canal 1823 Connected New York City to The Great Lakes
Steam Powered Railroads Improved Transportation
[Improved transportation lowered the cost of industrial and agricultural products] A. True B. False
[ Henry Clay’s American System included all of the following except…] A. [National Bank] B. [tariff to raise tax dollars] C. [ending slavery] D. [better transportation : roads and canals]
“Era Of Good Feelings” ? Presidential Election of 1826 James Monroe Nobody else ran for president This is called the Era of Good Feelings b/c there was only one political party. Therefore they all got along. It would be like if today we only had the Democrats or the Republicans!
Era of Good Feelings President Monroe elected president with nobody running against him President Monroe elected president with nobody running against him This was a time of national unity which encouraged nationalism not sectionalism This was a time of national unity which encouraged nationalism not sectionalism America was proud of its farms, factories, new roads,and canals America was proud of its farms, factories, new roads,and canals
[Today in America we have a “second” Era of Good Feelings.] A. True B. False
Adams Onis Treaty We add Florida to the United States in 1819 We get Florida from Spain
[Adding Florida to the United States increased sectionalism.] A.True B.False
Sectionalism Grows over the Slavery Issue 11 slave states 11 free states The balance of power was equal between slave and free states in the Senate
[The slavery and tariff issues increased sectionalism.] A. True B. False
Missouri Upsets the Balance! Should I be a free state or a slave state? Either way I will upset the balance!
Missouri Compromise Solves the Problem …temporarily Maine Free state Missouri becomes a slave state Future Free States Future Slave States Future states would join in pairs to keep the number of slave and free states equal.
[What kind of state did Missouri become in the Missouri Compromise?] A.[Free] B.[Slave]
[ In the Missouri Compromise states had to join in pairs (one slave and one free) after 1820.] A.True B.False
Monroe Doctrine Europe must stay out of North and South America
[ The Monroe Doctrine told European powers like Spain, France and Britain to stay out of the business of the Western Hemisphere.] A.True B.False
Nationalism & Sectionalism Review! Henry Clay’s American System encouraged nationalism through the tariff, bank, and internal improvements (canals and roads) The tariff encouraged sectionalism when South Carolina threatened to secede b/c it believed the tariff was unfair ( Nullification Crisis 1832
Missouri Compromise Missouri upsets the Senate balance by asking to join the Union Missouri upsets the Senate balance by asking to join the Union Henry Clay the Missouri Compromise Henry Clay the Missouri Compromise Missouri a slave state Missouri a slave state Maine a free state Maine a free state Future states join in pairs Future states join in pairs
Monroe Doctrine U.S. tries to keep Europe out of the affairs of North and South America U.S. tries to keep Europe out of the affairs of North and South America
Adams Onis Treaty Adds Florida to the United States 1819 We get Florida from Spain
Transportation Improvements Erie Canal Erie Canal National Road National Road Steam Railroads Steam Railroads