Demonstration Grant PARTNERS FOR PIPELINE SAFETY WEB PAGES Develop interactive and informative webpage for residents, property owners, contractors and developers to educate and raise the awareness of pipeline safety.
Targets the Objectives of ND01: ND01Pipeline Operators and Local Governments Should Provide Information to Property Developers/Owners Audience Local Government, Pipeline Operator Practice Statement Pipeline Operators and Local Government staff should inform property developers/owners of the safety and environmental issues related to development next to transmission pipelines.
Goals of Web Pages Educating and increasing public awareness on pipeline safety Improving stakeholder communications Educating and encouraging best practices in damage prevention Encouraging sound zoning and permitting decisions relative to pipelines Educating on current city Ordinances and requirements regarding pipelines Enhancing community protection and safety
CORE INFORMATION ENHANCE PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF PIPELINES AND PIPELINE SAFETY IMPROVE STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATIONS Educate residents about pipelines and provide information about what they can do ---or not do---to enhance pipeline safety
Living with Pipelines Buried in yards throughout St. Peters are electrical and cable wires, telephone lines, and natural gas and petroleum pipelines. Although cutting a wire could be serious and expensive to repair, rupturing or otherwise damaging a pipeline could pose a significant risk to public safety and to the environment. Excavation damage can also cause interruption to vital services in your community and can involve tremendous repair costs.
Pipeline 101 Pipelines are really the energy lifelines of almost every daily activity. Pipelines play a role in everyone's lives and are essential to the nation's industries. Yet few people are aware of the work done by the country's 200,000-mile petroleum pipeline network that delivers the products that are integral parts of America's economy. It is a network that delivers the nation's crude oil and petroleum products (such as gasoline, jet fuel, home heating oil) reliably, safely, efficiently, and economically.
How Safe are Pipelines? The environmental and safety record of oil pipelines is excellent. Pipeline systems are recognized as both the safest transportation mode and the most economical way of distributing the vast quantities of oil from production fields to refineries and from refineries to consumers. Oil pipelines are usually the only feasible way to transport significant volumes by land over long distances. Without pipelines, our streets and highways would be overwhelmed by the trucks trying to keep up with the nation’s demand for petroleum products. The safety performance of the oil pipeline industry has improved substantially over the last 30 years with even greater gains in the last few years.
DAMAGE PREVENTION EDUCATE & ENCOURAGE BEST PRACTICES IN DAMAGE PREVENTION Provide narrative on importance of damage prevention. Link to Missouri One Call. Link to information resources on best practices in damage prevention. Link to City’s notification application and required process for excavation within 25 feet of pipelines.
Communication is Key Construction work in proximity to a pipeline can affect the integrity and safety of underground pipelines. The primary tool for avoiding damages to underground facilities is timely communication between excavators and the owners of the facilities. Most damage to pipelines is avoidable through use of the Missouri One Call System. Missouri One Call facilitates this communication process by enabling an excavator to place just one call, prior to digging, to request that all underground facilities in the area of a planned excavation be located and marked. The Missouri One Call System is a free public service established to provide underground utility marking for those who plan to dig or excavate.
Notification St. Peters’ ordinance requires a notification application be submitted to the City before excavation can occur within 25 feet of pipeline. The application must be submitted not less than 2 days prior to the work and not more than 10 days prior. There is no fee for the application, however it is required to be submitted and subject to penalty for failure to apply. The notice then gets posted to the City’s web site and notifications of the application are provided to anyone who has voluntarily signed up to be on the notification list.
GIS MAPPING ENCOURAGE SOUND LAND USE DECISIONS Provide an interactive tool to mapping system to access standards maps identifying pipelines or to create a custom map to meet a specialized need or interest.
LAND USE PLANNING ENCOURAGE SOUND ZONING AND PERMITTING DECISIONS RELATIVE TO PIPELINES Link to mapping system and pipeline location information to facilitate land use planning by developers/owners interested in developing property. Link to current zoning regulations Link to specific land use ordinances and requirements for development on or adjacent to pipelines.
LINKS Missouri Pipeline Company, LLC