Supporting Faculty Use of IDEA David Starrett Dean, School of University Studies and Academic Information Services and Director, Center for Scholarship in Teaching and Learning. Southeast Missouri State University
28-Jun-07Southeast Missouri StateSlide 2 Southeast Missouri State Regional comprehensive Undergraduate and Masters 10,000 students 400 faculty Online, ITV and off-campus courses T/L support in Center for Scholarship in Teaching and Learning (CSTL)
28-Jun-07Southeast Missouri StateSlide 3 IDEA at Southeast Mandatory use every 2 years Used for national comparisons Used in personnel decisions Used formatively by faculty Used as departmental KPI Used to assess some of the liberal education objectives
28-Jun-07Southeast Missouri StateSlide 4 Administering IDEA Instructions for administering IDEA, specific to Southeast Workshops on effectively administering IDEA 1-on-1 consulting with CSTL staff on administering IDEA
28-Jun-07Southeast Missouri StateSlide 5 Interpreting IDEA Results Instructions for interpreting IDEA Workshops on interpreting IDEA 1-on-1 consulting with CSTL staff on interpreting IDEA results
28-Jun-07Southeast Missouri StateSlide 6 Other Support Workshops on aligning IDEA objectives with course objectives 1-on-1 consulting with CSTL improving IDEA results Instructions for effectively presenting IDEA to support teaching performance in promotion and tenure application Campus IDEA resources web site
28-Jun-07Southeast Missouri StateSlide 7 Indirect Support for Faculty Instructions to Chairs, Deans, Provost and other decision-makers on interpreting IDEA data submitted in promotion and tenure materials Instructions to these decision makers on interpreting group summary reports
28-Jun-07Southeast Missouri StateSlide 8 Other Support for IDEA Used on administrators Support in faculty handbook
28-Jun-07Southeast Missouri StateSlide 9 Controversy Faculty Senate, concern about mandatory use of IDEA in promotion and tenure process
28-Jun-07Southeast Missouri StateSlide 10 Thank You! David Starrett: