Missouri License Plates for Phi Beta Sigma – IT’S TIME!!! Charles Ellis 2 nd Vice President/Interim Secretary Kappa Sigma Chapter, St. Louis, MO
TOPICS Getting Your Own Plates Distribution of Funds Raised Timeline for Application Process Questions/Answers
…with YOUR HELP. TASK NEEDED – at least 200 completed applications Amount needed for each application: $40 (for one year) or $65 (for two years, if the vehicle is manufactured in an odd- numbered year) Includes a $15 fee that will be paid to the MO Department of Revenue
BENEFITS FOR PLATES SHOW PRIDE in the Fraternity Contribute to worthwhile programs conducted by chapters throughout the state Assist collegiate brothers and Sigma Betas with scholarships
STEP 1 Brothers will complete a MO Form 1716, along with an application for an Emblem Use Authorization Statement (EUAS), for each vehicle he would like a plate for. A money order will be made out to “Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity” in the amount of $40 or $65 for each vehicle, depending on initial application of one or two years.
STEP 2 Brothers with completed applications and fees included will receive a noting that an EUAS has been processed in their behalf. (NOTE: Brothers who have not been financial with the Fraternity at any point will have need to note two brothers currently active in an alumni chapter that can verify their membership, in order to have (an) EUAS(s) processed.)
STEP 3 Brothers will be notified by the Department of Revenue that the plates are ready at the license office they have indicated on the Form An additional $15 will need to be paid at time of pickup if a second year has been requested, along with any regular license fees. Since all fraternity plates will be renewable in the month of July, differences with existing plates will also be settled at the license office at the time of pickup.
IN FUTURE YEARS To renew the plate, a brother must pay $25 per vehicle per year to the Fraternity in order to obtain another Emblem Use Authorization Statement (EUAS). The EUAS will be given to the brother and he will deliver it to the Department of Revenue, along with the annual $15 fee for specialty plates and another MO Form 1716, along with regular license fees.
METHOD OF ALLOCATION To be fair and equitable, the distribution of the funds raised from contributions for fraternity license plates will be made to chapters throughout the state, based on the response for the first 200 online applications from brothers either belonging to an active chapter in Missouri or the closest one near him (if he is not financial, or is financial with a chapter in another state or country).
Scenarios – Alumni Level ScenarioAssessment share for each application (0.5%) goes to: Financial brother with Kansas City, MO alumni chapter uses a Kansas City, MO address Kansas City, MO alumni chapter Financial brother with Columbia alumni chapter uses a Springfield address Columbia alumni chapter Financial brother with Atlanta, GA alumni chapter uses a St. Louis address St. Louis alumni chapter
Scenarios – Collegiate Level / Nonfinancial ScenarioAssessment share for each application (0.5%) goes to: Financial brother with Univ. of Central MO collegiate chapter uses a St. Joseph address Univ. of Central MO collegiate chapter Financial brother with Howard Univ. collegiate chapter uses a Columbia address Univ. of Missouri collegiate chapter Financial brother ONLY on National and Regional levels uses a Kirksville address Columbia alumni chapter (if graduated or out of college), Truman St. Univ. collegiate chapter (if enrolled in college) Non-financial brother, but WAS financial at some point, uses a Cape Girardeau address St. Louis alumni chapter (if graduated or out of college), SEMO collegiate chapter (if enrolled in college)
ALLOCATION IN FUTURE YEARS The amounts distributed to each chapter would be reassessed on an annual basis (e.g. every June 30 th, which is the State of Missouri’s fiscal year end), according to the amount of valid EUASs that have been approved and used for plate acquisition or renewal.
METHOD OF APPLICATION Before February 1, 2011 – Brothers may complete a paper application for an EUAS, but it will not count for the queue.
METHOD OF APPLICATION (Cont’d) February 1, 2011 – Queue will start via online application at the following address: bin/order.pl?ref=BlueandWhite&fm=1http:// bin/order.pl?ref=BlueandWhite&fm=1 This will determine the first 200 applications for distribution of the initial pool of funds. Brothers that completed a paper application before February 1 st must also complete a online application to go in queue with the other brothers.
METHOD OF APPLICATION (Cont’d) February - March 2011 – The queue will accommodate online applications as they are received. Paper applications received before April 1 st that have not also been entered online during the months of February and March will be placed in queue after all online applications that were received during the months of February and March.
METHOD OF APPLICATION (Cont’d) April 1, 2011 – The online application will be closed at midnight. Only paper applications will be processed from that point. If needed, applications will continue to be accepted for the initial run up to the close of the board meeting at the Southwestern Regional Conference in Omaha on April 10, 2011.
CONTACT Bro. Charles Ellis (314) (cell) ( ) QUESTIONS???