This presentation was prepared by the Missouri SLIGP using funds under an award from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC). The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NTIA, DOC, or FirstNet.
Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network (NPSBN) Single nationwide public safety network Based on LTE technology Located in public safety spectrum 700mhz band First responders to send / receive data and video
Introduce you to : NPSBN SLIGP FirstNet and what their roles are in delivering a broadband network to public safety in Missouri
The cost of the system for users By device By data consumption How coverage is going to be accomplished Terrestrial Satellite Other When is it going to be done
DateMilestone February 2012Federal legislation authorizing NPSBN February 2013State and Local Implementation Grant Program (SLIGP) Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) April 2014Education & Outreach with stakeholders on a dedicated PSBN for Missouri May 2015Report on proposed needs & design recommendations for the network
State and Local Implementation Grant Program
A sub unit in the Department of Public Safety’s Interoperability Office Mr. Bryan Courtney – Single Point of Contact for SLIGP Assisted by a staff responsible for carrying out the SLIGP mission
Provide education and outreach to the public safety community about FirstNet Collaborate with the public safety community to identify your needs, requirements, and desires for broadband use through : surveys, focus groups, and direct conversations
Share that information with FirstNet to be used to create the plan for the Missouri Radio Access Network (RAN) Provide timely communication to FirstNet regarding Missouri’s progress
Use the information to aid in understanding the needs and requirements of Missouri public safety agencies and first responders.
Task 1 – Project Plan Task 2 – Governance Recommendation Task 3 – Education and Outreach Task 4 – Stakeholder Entity List Task 5 – MOU and MOA Task 6 – State and Stakeholder Volunteers Task 7 – Requirements Collection Task 8 – SCIP Recommendation Task 9 – Data Discovery and Collection Task 10 – Financial Sustainability Plan
The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) shall hold the single public safety wireless license and take all actions necessary to ensure the building, deployment, and operation of the nationwide public safety broadband network
9/11 Commission Federal law
High speed Wireless Broadband data network Dedicated to public safety Nationwide
Long Term Evolution First commercial standard released 2008 (Release 8) First commercial launch in 2009 (Sweden) Release 10 in Q
Rapid Technology Development Increased Device Capabilities Improved Infrastructure Deployment Capabilities Affordable Device Costs Open, commercial standards - economies of scale - time to market
12.5 KHz P25 pipe 10 MHz broadband pipe Video Internet Database downloads Multiple mission critical voice streams Push to Talk (non mission critical voice) RoIP Messaging / Text Metadata 800 x more bandwidth A single mission critical voice stream
Not a replacement for LMR !
LMR link budget is better than LTE at broadband speeds LTE range is less than LMR (250mW vs 5W) 4G requires far more sites to match coverage E.G. Washington D.C. – 12 broadband sites to cover 90% outdoor versus 10 LMR sites to cover 95% indoors However LTE could scale to non-broadband speeds Experiments underway to find ways to extend LTE coverage to rural areas (PSCR)
FirstNet will be used to send: Data, Text, Video, & Images
Fast access Priority access Network control
Precision Information Environment (PIE) illustrating command and control capabilities in the future A54
“Radio problems, communication failures plagued response to Arizona blaze that killed 19 firefighters” - THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Saturday, September 28, failures-blamed-arizona-blaze-killed-19-firefighters-article #ixzz2t1tdDd8r
Mission Critical Communications that are required to maintain safety of first responders and the people with whom they interact Mission Support Communications that provide improved operational efficiency, enhance safety, and augment command and control, but are not essential Initial high bandwidth data applications such as streaming video will be for mission support use
POTENTIAL PUBLIC SAFETY BROADBAND APPLICATIONS Video Surveillance, Remote monitoring streaming Dynamic Mapping, Weather, Traffic Remote Database Access/Queries (mug shots, fingerprints, reporting, NCIC, CHRI, hot files Instant Messaging, SMS, One-way Notifications, Tactical Chat Rooms Multimedia Command and Control (floor plans, incident stills, surveillance Real Time One and Two Way Video in Vehicles or Handhelds Computer aided dispatch(CAD), Next Generation (NG ) Geo-Location and Asset Tracking (vehicle, personnel, assets) Records Management Systems AccessMobile Office (bulk file transfer, , internet web access, VPN) Mobile Incident CommandGeospatial Applications Medical TelemetryAutomated License Plate Recognition Field Based ReportingDigital Signage, Traffic Alerts, Automated Transactions Remote Control of Robotic DevicesStandardized Push-to-Talk (PTT) Voice over IP
In an emergency, commercial networks: Fail
In an emergency, commercial networks: Fail Get Overloaded
Because in an emergency, commercial networks : Fail Get overloaded Don’t provide priority access to public safety
FIRSTNET ATTRIBUTE Coverage Reliability Resiliency Emergency Communications Group Communications DEFINING PUBLIC SAFETY GRADE “ Where public safety needs it” “You can count on it” “Multiple back-up options” “Your trusted resource” “Essential to teamwork”
Coverage 3,250 Counties 566 Tribes Rural, Wilderness, and Island coverage 60,000 Public Safety Agencies 3.8 million square miles
Unique Geography and Demographics Require Multiple Solutions – Seamless Operation
Not Public Safety Grade Not Financially Feasible
Manhunts Lost hikers / campers Rescues Plane crash
Public safety grade design includes: Extended life battery systems Back up power systems Diverse routing of cell site links (overhead, underground, thru air) Diverse cell site link technology (fiber, coax, microwave, telco, optical, satellite) The majority of cell site outages are due to loss of power and data links
Physical Diverse routing of cells Mirrored databases Geographically distributed processing Operational Mobile hotspots Bring your own cell (BYOC) Cells on Wheels (COWs, COLTs, GOATs, SOWs) Recovering quickly after a network incident is imperative
Situational awareness Save time when seconds count Save money Save lives, solve crimes, and keep our communities and first responders safer
Meeting # 2 ▪ Identify Regional Team Representatives by: ▪ Name ▪ Discipline (Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement) ▪ RPC Districts ▪ Finalize needs assessment process ▪ Review the Mobile Data Survey tool ▪ Do we need focus groups or smaller meetings by discipline ▪ Assign sector tasks to team representatives
What do I want this network to do for me? Between now and the next meeting please discuss with your peers what a PSBN can do for you. There will be things come up that we haven’t thought of or considered We want to be sure all of the possibilities are considered
SLIGP Contact information : Education and Outreach Coordinator Office telephone Cell Phone
#2- Confirm participants by name and discipline, review future meeting dates, assign outreach work to be completed for meeting #3. #3- verify contact information for needs assessment survey for agencies not attending the meetings. We have the ability to come back to your area to further discuss FirstNet if you can assemble a group of 20. #4- review feedback from surveys (statewide) #5-discuss our final document describing Missouri’s needs for a PSBN and update on SIEC governance recommendations
List of volunteers and contact information Assembled at the meeting Provide list of agencies by RPC area or county Collect calendar of meetings that we could attend Homework Assemble list of Critical Infrastructure / Key Resources and contact info for your area Verify contact info for agencies in your area before Mtg. #3
Collect your completed list of verified contact info for PS agencies in your area Collect your list of Critical Infrastructure / Key Resources (CI/KR) and verified contact info Provide the needs assessment survey to discuss before we send out following the meeting Homework Contact your agencies about the survey
Provide the survey responses for our review Discuss responses and make sure we have included the relevant information for Missouri’s PSBN Provide any program updates/ progress reports Homework Follow-up with agencies not responding
We will review the final description and requirements of : what public safety agencies in Missouri want in a Missouri PSBN, what agencies would potentially participate and with how many devices, what CI/KR agencies would be interested in participating Discuss Phase 2