Developing draft criteria for a healthier food mark
Nutritional criteria
Scoping study Scope existing systems for assessing healthy catering practice Relevance of existing schemes to the development of HFM Areas for consideration for inclusion in HFM criteria/standards Discuss with key stakeholders including national catering bodies, professional bodies and contract caterers Areas arising from scoping discussions Recommendations
consensus from scoping exercise procurement menu planning marketing cooking methods/recipe development hygiene training point of sale labelling customer feedback and satisfaction Source: Daniels L. Developing a Framework of Criteria [Food Based Standards] for Public Sector Healthier Catering. Food Standards Agency (2008)
Rationale used for draft criteria specific foods/commodities are significant contributors of fat/saturated fat/salt as result of their content some foods/commodities are significant contributors of fat/saturated fat/salt as result of their high volume of use small changes in practice can have large impact criteria to move consumer purchasing patterns
On OffOn Off Bringing it altogether fruit and veg provision procurement criteria Scores on the doors Front of Pack labelling Food Category Board A fresh approach to improving food procurement in the public sector Healthy Food Code of Good Practice catering for health Allergy advice Statutory standards for school meals schemes in use elsewhere specific food targets for salt and sat fat catering practice % targets for provision of specific items promotions single serving portion size product placement Healthier Weight, Healthier Lives Choosing Health Saturated Fat and energy Intake Programme Salt targets FSA Guidance on food served in major institutions PSFPI menu information calorie labelling nutrient based analysis
Sustainability criteria Dominic Pattinson Food Policy Unit Defra
Establishing the draft criteria Review of existing guidance and schemes Agreed with policy leads in Defra Healthier Food Mark Steering Group Agreed draft for consultation with Ministers
Our thinking: Sustainability is broad ranging – environmental, economic and social impacts Alignment with existing guidance and schemes Reflect Government procurement and sustainability policy
What’s included
And finally….. Criteria are draft Pilots and further consultation We want your input
Thank you