People, families and communities NHS Commissioning Board Children’s Trust Westminster’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Local Healthwatch Providers West London Clinical Commissioning Group Central London Clinical Commissioning Group Public Health England Monitor Care Quality Commission (Healthwatch England) National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Westminster City Council Public HealthChildren's’ Services NHSAdult Social Care The Health and Wellbeing Landscape
“Health and wellbeing boards have the role of joining up NHS and local authority decision making to enable different parts of the system to work together” (Guidance for the voluntary and community sector) Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies will “focus on a very few priorities…. that make an impact on community health” (Guidance for the voluntary and community sector) “The aim of the joint health and wellbeing strategy is to jointly agree what the greatest issues are for the local community based on evidence in JSNAs, what can be done to address them; and what outcomes are intended to be achieved” (Department of Health) Health and Wellbeing Boards and Strategies
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Where is the need? Engage commissioners, service providers and service users What are we doing to meet the need? What are the issues? Health and Wellbeing Board How can we work together to tackle these issues? Health and Wellbeing Strategy Sets out the Board priorities. What it plans to do about issues Engage service users and the wider public Have we identified the right actions to take? How is the Health and Wellbeing Strategy prepared?
ALL PEOPLE IN WESTMINSTER ARE ABLE TO ENJOY A HEALTHIER CITY AND HEALTHIER LIFE Every child has the best start in life Enabling young people to have a healthy adulthood Supporting economic and social wellbeing and opportunity Ensuring access to appropriate care at the right time Supporting people to remain independent for longer Vision Strategy Priorities ( ) More children in Westminster reach a good level of development at age five To be determined following engagement with young people and research into health needs More employment and training opportunities for people with health barriers Healthier workplaces Reducing unplanned emergency hospital admissions Help people to feel in control of their lives Dementia friendly services Improve identification and support for carers What we want to achieve Westminster Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Evidence shows that the identification of carers in Westminster is challenging Carers make an enormous contribution to society and the health economy – but their own needs are often hidden Improve the identification of carers through sharing data and increased understanding of how to engage carers Work with carers’ organisations and commissioners to ensure that the impact of increasing the provision of out of hospital carer takes the needs of carers into account Undertake targeting interventions to work with particular communities who are less likely to recognise themselves as carers More carers identified and assessed More carers access services Health and Wellbeing : Carers
Questions How do you think we can increase the number of carers who access services, particularly those from vulnerable services? What more should we be doing to support carers?