Minor Elementary School Gwinnett County, Georgia
Creating a Healthier, Safer, & More Livable Community
Focus of Investigation Students will investigate how graffiti, litter, and runoff impact the quality of life within our school community.
Context Minor Elementary School Surrounding community within a 2 mile radius Beaver Ruin Creek/wetlands
In what ways do graffiti, litter, and non-point source pollution affect wetlands near Minor Elementary School? Organizing Question
Supporting Questions How do graffiti and litter affect community pride? How do graffiti and litter affect economics of the community? How do graffiti and litter link to more serious crime? How do graffiti and litter contribute to non-point source pollution? How does non-point source pollution impact the ecosystem surrounding Minor Elementary?
Unit Activities
Service Learning Projects Adopt a Road/Stream Clean up campaign around school Create a butterfly garden which contains native plants Create a graffiti free corridor Storm Drain Stenciling
Authentic Assessments
Minor Elementary and Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful Creating…
A Healthier…
More livable Community!
Minor Elementary School, Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful, and The State Botanical Garden of Georgia EIC Project