Building a Healthier Chicago Worksite Wellness Committee October 14,
Worksite Wellness Committee Committee Mission The Building a Healthier Chicago Worksite Wellness Committee strives to support Chicagoland employers in improving the health and productivity of their workforce and covered populations. Committee Objectives Educate employers of the BHC initiative to promote physical activity, healthy eating, and the detection, prevention and control of high blood pressure Identify and share current best practices in wellness Identify resources, tools and implementation strategies Recognize and support the efforts of employer participants
WWC Members Executive Committee Lesley J. Craig, Building a Healthier Chicago, U.S. DHHS Cheryl Larson, Midwest Business Group on Health Debra Siena, Proactive Partners, Midtown Athletic Clubs Dr. Diane Stephenson, Federal Occupational Health, U.S. DHHS Erica Wandtke, BSDI Over 100 Committee Members including Vendors / wellness program providers & support Organizations and individuals Federal Agencies/Offices Employers Hospitals Health Plans Other
Building a Healthier Chicago Healthy Worksite Initiative Key Components and Goals: 1.Worksite Wellness Assessment Raise awareness of the key components of a successful Worksite Wellness initiative Provide a gap analysis of a company’s wellness program efforts to date and better target how time and resources are allocated 2.Worksite Wellness Awards Recognize and reward employers of all sizes for their successful efforts 3.Worksite Wellness Guide Provide employers with a comprehensive online guide for use in creating sustainable worksite wellness initiatives
Healthy Worksite Initiative Worksite Wellness Assessment Goal: Provide employers with a tool to assess and provide a gap analysis of their organization’s current program Objective: Engage, educate and encourage Chicagoland employers and other stakeholders to participate in the Assessment Process: Market and launch assessment – January 1, 2011 at Launch Press Release January 2011 Offer one-page information sheet and push for all BHC Stakeholders to help promote to employers Stakeholder company’s should take the Assessment!
Healthy Worksite Initiative – Assessment: Senior Leadership Commitment & Support
Healthy Worksite Initiative – Assessment: Program Design
Healthy Worksite Initiative Worksite Wellness Awards Goal:Recognize and reward employers of all sizes for their successful efforts Objective: Offer recognition and awards for completing Assessment Process: Finalize points system / weighted questions for assessment Finalize narrative requirements for award application Award categories: Gold, Silver, Bronze May apply for awards January 1, 2011 First Awards presented at 2011 Eat Well, Live Well, Let’s Move Conference
Goal: Provide employers with a comprehensive online resource for their use in creating sustainable worksite wellness initiatives Objective: Provide high-quality, no-cost resources and content for BHC website (to be used as a “working document”) Process: Launch at Guide Sections: Section 1:Why Worksite Wellness? Section 2:Leadership Commitment and Support Section 3:Program Design Section 4:Optimal Wellness Programs Section 5:Data Measurement and Management Healthy Worksite Initiative Worksite Wellness Guide
Healthy Worksite Initiative Worksite Wellness Guide
BHC WWC Contact Please contact Lesley Craig, WWC Coordinator with questions or comments Phone: Website: